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2021-10-26 14:18:09 +02:00
# What Input?
__A global utility for tracking the current input method (mouse, keyboard or touch).__
## What Input is now v4.3.0
What Input adds data attributes to the `<html>` tag based on the type of input being used. It also exposes a simple API that can be used for scripting interactions.
### July 12, 2017
* Updated: added passive to `touchstart` event.
### July 3, 2017
* Updated: custom events can now be registered and unregistered.
### June 13, 2017
* Updated: Typing _in_ form inputs does not change input type, but tabbing between inputs _does_ initiate a switch from `mouse` to `keyboard`.
### June 12, 2017
* Added: passive event listener for `wheel` event.
* Added: ability to fire custom functions when 'intent' or 'input' changes.
### Changes from v3
* `mousemove` and `pointermove` events no longer affect the `data-whatinput` attribute.
* A new `data-whatintent` attribute now works like v3. This change is intended to separate direct interaction from potential.
* Key logging and the corresponding `whatInput.keys()` API option have been removed.
* Event binding and attributes are now added to the `<html>` tag to eliminate the need to test for `DOMContentLoaded`.
* The `whatInput.set()` API option has been removed.
* A new set of `whatinput-types-[type]` classes are now added as inputs are detected. New classes are added but existing ones remain, creating the same output as what the `whatInput.types()` returns.
## How it works
What Input uses event bubbling on the `<html>` tag to watch for mouse, keyboard and touch events (via `mousedown`, `keydown` and `touchstart`). It then sets or updates a `data-whatinput` attribute.
Where present, Pointer Events are supported, but note that `pen` inputs are remapped to `touch`.
What Input also exposes a tiny API that allows the developer to ask for or set the current input.
_What Input does not make assumptions about the input environment before the page is directly interacted with._ However, the `mousemove` and `pointermove` events are used to set a `data-whatintent="mouse"` attribute to indicate that a mouse is being used _indirectly_.
### Interacting with Forms
Since interacting with a form requires use of the keyboard, What Input _does not switch the input type while form `<input>`s and `<textarea>`s are being interacted with_, preserving the last detected input type.
## Installing
Download the file directly...
or install via Bower...
bower install what-input
or install via NPM...
npm install what-input
## Usage
Include the script directly in your project.
<script src="dist/what-input.min.js"></script>
Or require with a script loader.
// or
var whatInput = require('what-input');
// or
paths: {
whatInput: 'path/to/what-input'
require(['whatInput'], function() {});
What Input will start doing its thing while you do yours.
### Example Styling
* set a custom default :focus style
/* default styling before what input executes */
:focus {
/* initial styling after what input has executed but before any interaction */
[data-whatinput="initial"] :focus {
outline: 2px dotted black;
/* mouse */
[data-whatinput="mouse"] :focus {
outline-color: red;
/* keyboard */
[data-whatinput="keyboard"] :focus {
outline-color: green;
/* touch */
[data-whatinput="touch"] :focus {
outline-color: blue;
**Note:** If you remove outlines with `outline: none;`, be sure to provide clear visual `:focus` styles so the user can see which element they are on at any time for greater accessibility. Visit [W3C's WCAG 2.0 2.4.7 Guideline]( to learn more.
### Scripting
#### Current Input
Ask What Input what the current input method is. This works best if asked after the events What Input is bound to (`mousedown`, `keydown` and `touchstart`).
whatInput.ask(); // returns `mouse`, `keyboard` or `touch`
myButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
if (whatInput.ask() === 'mouse') {
// do mousy things
} else if (whatInput.ask() === 'keyboard') {
// do keyboard things
If it's necessary to know if `mousemove` is being used, use the `'loose'` option. For example:
nothing has happened but the mouse has moved
whatInput.ask(); // returns `initial` because the page has not been directly interacted with
whatInput.ask('loose'); // returns `mouse` because mouse movement was detected
the keyboard has been used, then the mouse was moved
whatInput.ask(); // returns `keyboard` because the keyboard was the last direct page interaction
whatInput.ask('loose'); // returns `mouse` because mouse movement was the most recent action detected
Ask What Input to return an array of all the input types that have been used _so far_.
whatInput.types(); // ex. returns ['mouse', 'keyboard']
Set a custom array of keycodes that will be ignored when pressed.
whatInput.ignoreKeys([1, 2, 3])
Fire a function when the input or intent changes.
// create a function to be fired
var myFunction = function(type) {
// fire `myFunction` when the intent changes
whatInput.registerOnChange(myFunction, 'intent');
// fire `myFunction` when the input changes
whatInput.registerOnChange(myFunction, 'input');
// remove custom event
## Compatibility
What Input works in all modern browsers. For compatibility with IE8, polyfills are required for:
* addEventListener
* IndexOf
Add your own, or grab the bundle included here.
<!--[if lte IE 8]>
<script src="lte-IE8.js"></script>
## Demo
Check out the demo to see What Input in action.
## Acknowledgments
Special thanks to [Viget]( for their encouragement and commitment to open source projects. Visit []( to see more projects from [Viget](
Thanks to [mAAdhaTTah]( for the initial conversion to Webpack.
What Input is written and maintained by [@ten1seven](
## License
What Input is freely available under the [MIT License](