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2021-10-26 14:18:09 +02:00
/* These definitions were imported from
* and includes previous contributions from the DefinitelyTyped community by:
* - Albert Willemsen <>
* - Boris Yankov <>
* - Jessica Franco <>
* - Masahiro Wakame <>
* - Raanan Weber <>
* - Sergei Dorogin <>
* - webbiesdk <>
* - Andrew Leedham <>
* - Nils Knappmeier <>
* For full history prior to their migration to handlebars.js, please see:
// TypeScript Version: 2.3
declare namespace Handlebars {
export interface TemplateDelegate<T = any> {
(context: T, options?: RuntimeOptions): string;
export type Template<T = any> = TemplateDelegate<T>|string;
export interface RuntimeOptions {
partial?: boolean;
depths?: any[];
helpers?: { [name: string]: Function };
partials?: { [name: string]: HandlebarsTemplateDelegate };
decorators?: { [name: string]: Function };
data?: any;
blockParams?: any[];
allowCallsToHelperMissing?: boolean;
allowedProtoProperties?: { [name: string]: boolean };
allowedProtoMethods?: { [name: string]: boolean };
allowProtoPropertiesByDefault?: boolean;
allowProtoMethodsByDefault?: boolean;
export interface HelperOptions {
fn: TemplateDelegate;
inverse: TemplateDelegate;
hash: any;
data?: any;
export interface HelperDelegate {
(context?: any, arg1?: any, arg2?: any, arg3?: any, arg4?: any, arg5?: any, options?: HelperOptions): any;
export interface HelperDeclareSpec {
[key: string]: HelperDelegate;
export interface ParseOptions {
srcName?: string;
ignoreStandalone?: boolean;
export function registerHelper(name: string, fn: HelperDelegate): void;
export function registerHelper(name: HelperDeclareSpec): void;
export function unregisterHelper(name: string): void;
export function registerPartial(name: string, fn: Template): void;
export function registerPartial(spec: { [name: string]: HandlebarsTemplateDelegate }): void;
export function unregisterPartial(name: string): void;
// TODO: replace Function with actual signature
export function registerDecorator(name: string, fn: Function): void;
export function unregisterDecorator(name: string): void;
export function K(): void;
export function createFrame(object: any): any;
export function blockParams(obj: any[], ids: any[]): any[];
export function log(level: number, obj: any): void;
export function parse(input: string, options?: ParseOptions): hbs.AST.Program;
export function parseWithoutProcessing(input: string, options?: ParseOptions): hbs.AST.Program;
export function compile<T = any>(input: any, options?: CompileOptions): HandlebarsTemplateDelegate<T>;
export function precompile(input: any, options?: PrecompileOptions): TemplateSpecification;
export function template<T = any>(precompilation: TemplateSpecification): HandlebarsTemplateDelegate<T>;
export function create(): typeof Handlebars;
export const escapeExpression: typeof Utils.escapeExpression;
//export const Utils: typeof hbs.Utils;
export const logger: Logger;
export const templates: HandlebarsTemplates;
export const helpers: { [name: string]: HelperDelegate };
export const partials: { [name: string]: any };
// TODO: replace Function with actual signature
export const decorators: { [name: string]: Function };
export const VERSION: string;
export function noConflict(): typeof Handlebars;
export class Exception {
constructor(message: string, node?: hbs.AST.Node);
description: string;
fileName: string;
lineNumber?: any;
endLineNumber?: any;
message: string;
name: string;
number: number;
stack?: string;
column?: any;
endColumn?: any;
export class SafeString {
constructor(str: string);
toString(): string;
toHTML(): string;
export namespace Utils {
export function escapeExpression(str: string): string;
export function createFrame(object: any): any;
export function blockParams(obj: any[], ids: any[]): any[];
export function isEmpty(obj: any) : boolean;
export function extend(obj: any, ...source: any[]): any;
export function toString(obj: any): string;
export function isArray(obj: any): boolean;
export function isFunction(obj: any): boolean;
export namespace AST {
export const helpers: hbs.AST.helpers;
interface ICompiler {
accept(node: hbs.AST.Node): void;
Program(program: hbs.AST.Program): void;
BlockStatement(block: hbs.AST.BlockStatement): void;
PartialStatement(partial: hbs.AST.PartialStatement): void;
PartialBlockStatement(partial: hbs.AST.PartialBlockStatement): void;
DecoratorBlock(decorator: hbs.AST.DecoratorBlock): void;
Decorator(decorator: hbs.AST.Decorator): void;
MustacheStatement(mustache: hbs.AST.MustacheStatement): void;
ContentStatement(content: hbs.AST.ContentStatement): void;
CommentStatement(comment?: hbs.AST.CommentStatement): void;
SubExpression(sexpr: hbs.AST.SubExpression): void;
PathExpression(path: hbs.AST.PathExpression): void;
StringLiteral(str: hbs.AST.StringLiteral): void;
NumberLiteral(num: hbs.AST.NumberLiteral): void;
BooleanLiteral(bool: hbs.AST.BooleanLiteral): void;
UndefinedLiteral(): void;
NullLiteral(): void;
Hash(hash: hbs.AST.Hash): void;
export class Visitor implements ICompiler {
accept(node: hbs.AST.Node): void;
acceptKey(node: hbs.AST.Node, name: string): void;
acceptArray(arr: hbs.AST.Expression[]): void;
Program(program: hbs.AST.Program): void;
BlockStatement(block: hbs.AST.BlockStatement): void;
PartialStatement(partial: hbs.AST.PartialStatement): void;
PartialBlockStatement(partial: hbs.AST.PartialBlockStatement): void;
DecoratorBlock(decorator: hbs.AST.DecoratorBlock): void;
Decorator(decorator: hbs.AST.Decorator): void;
MustacheStatement(mustache: hbs.AST.MustacheStatement): void;
ContentStatement(content: hbs.AST.ContentStatement): void;
CommentStatement(comment?: hbs.AST.CommentStatement): void;
SubExpression(sexpr: hbs.AST.SubExpression): void;
PathExpression(path: hbs.AST.PathExpression): void;
StringLiteral(str: hbs.AST.StringLiteral): void;
NumberLiteral(num: hbs.AST.NumberLiteral): void;
BooleanLiteral(bool: hbs.AST.BooleanLiteral): void;
UndefinedLiteral(): void;
NullLiteral(): void;
Hash(hash: hbs.AST.Hash): void;
export interface ResolvePartialOptions {
name: string;
helpers?: { [name: string]: Function };
partials?: { [name: string]: HandlebarsTemplateDelegate };
decorators?: { [name: string]: Function };
data?: any;
export namespace VM {
* @deprecated
export function resolvePartial<T = any>(partial: HandlebarsTemplateDelegate<T> | undefined, context: any, options: ResolvePartialOptions): HandlebarsTemplateDelegate<T>;
* Implement this interface on your MVW/MVVM/MVC views such as Backbone.View
interface HandlebarsTemplatable {
template: HandlebarsTemplateDelegate;
// NOTE: for backward compatibility of this typing
type HandlebarsTemplateDelegate<T = any> = Handlebars.TemplateDelegate<T>;
interface HandlebarsTemplates {
[index: string]: HandlebarsTemplateDelegate;
interface TemplateSpecification {
// for backward compatibility of this typing
type RuntimeOptions = Handlebars.RuntimeOptions;
interface CompileOptions {
data?: boolean;
compat?: boolean;
knownHelpers?: KnownHelpers;
knownHelpersOnly?: boolean;
noEscape?: boolean;
strict?: boolean;
assumeObjects?: boolean;
preventIndent?: boolean;
ignoreStandalone?: boolean;
explicitPartialContext?: boolean;
type KnownHelpers = {
[name in BuiltinHelperName | CustomHelperName]: boolean;
type BuiltinHelperName =
type CustomHelperName = string;
interface PrecompileOptions extends CompileOptions {
srcName?: string;
destName?: string;
declare namespace hbs {
// for backward compatibility of this typing
type SafeString = Handlebars.SafeString;
type Utils = typeof Handlebars.Utils;
interface Logger {
DEBUG: number;
INFO: number;
WARN: number;
ERROR: number;
level: number;
methodMap: { [level: number]: string };
log(level: number, obj: string): void;
type CompilerInfo = [number/* revision */, string /* versions */];
declare namespace hbs {
namespace AST {
interface Node {
type: string;
loc: SourceLocation;
interface SourceLocation {
source: string;
start: Position;
end: Position;
interface Position {
line: number;
column: number;
interface Program extends Node {
body: Statement[];
blockParams: string[];
interface Statement extends Node {}
interface MustacheStatement extends Statement {
type: 'MustacheStatement';
path: PathExpression | Literal;
params: Expression[];
hash: Hash;
escaped: boolean;
strip: StripFlags;
interface Decorator extends MustacheStatement { }
interface BlockStatement extends Statement {
type: 'BlockStatement';
path: PathExpression;
params: Expression[];
hash: Hash;
program: Program;
inverse: Program;
openStrip: StripFlags;
inverseStrip: StripFlags;
closeStrip: StripFlags;
interface DecoratorBlock extends BlockStatement { }
interface PartialStatement extends Statement {
type: 'PartialStatement';
name: PathExpression | SubExpression;
params: Expression[];
hash: Hash;
indent: string;
strip: StripFlags;
interface PartialBlockStatement extends Statement {
type: 'PartialBlockStatement';
name: PathExpression | SubExpression;
params: Expression[];
hash: Hash;
program: Program;
openStrip: StripFlags;
closeStrip: StripFlags;
interface ContentStatement extends Statement {
type: 'ContentStatement';
value: string;
original: StripFlags;
interface CommentStatement extends Statement {
type: 'CommentStatement';
value: string;
strip: StripFlags;
interface Expression extends Node {}
interface SubExpression extends Expression {
type: 'SubExpression';
path: PathExpression;
params: Expression[];
hash: Hash;
interface PathExpression extends Expression {
type: 'PathExpression';
data: boolean;
depth: number;
parts: string[];
original: string;
interface Literal extends Expression {}
interface StringLiteral extends Literal {
type: 'StringLiteral';
value: string;
original: string;
interface BooleanLiteral extends Literal {
type: 'BooleanLiteral';
value: boolean;
original: boolean;
interface NumberLiteral extends Literal {
type: 'NumberLiteral';
value: number;
original: number;
interface UndefinedLiteral extends Literal {
type: 'UndefinedLiteral';
interface NullLiteral extends Literal {
type: 'NullLiteral';
interface Hash extends Node {
type: 'Hash';
pairs: HashPair[];
interface HashPair extends Node {
type: 'HashPair';
key: string;
value: Expression;
interface StripFlags {
open: boolean;
close: boolean;
interface helpers {
helperExpression(node: Node): boolean;
scopeId(path: PathExpression): boolean;
simpleId(path: PathExpression): boolean;
declare module "handlebars" {
export = Handlebars;
declare module "handlebars/runtime" {
export = Handlebars;