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2021-10-26 14:18:09 +02:00
// Foundation for Sites by ZURB
// Licensed under MIT Open Source
/// Hide an element by default, only displaying it above a certain screen size.
/// @param {Keyword} $size - Breakpoint to use. **Must be a breakpoint defined in `$breakpoints`.**
@mixin show-for($size) {
$size: map-get($breakpoints, $size);
// Max value is 0.2px under the next breakpoint (0.02 / 16 = 0.00125).
// Use a precision under 1px to support browser zoom, but not to low to avoid rounding.
// See
$size: -zf-bp-to-em($size) - .00125;
@include breakpoint($size down) {
display: none !important;
/// Hide an element by default, only displaying it within a certain breakpoint.
/// @param {Keyword} $size - Breakpoint to use. **Must be a breakpoint defined in `$breakpoints`.**
@mixin show-for-only($size) {
$lower-bound-size: map-get($breakpoints, $size);
$upper-bound-size: -zf-map-next($breakpoints, $size);
// more often than not this will be correct, just one time round the loop it won't so set in scope here
$lower-bound: -zf-bp-to-em($lower-bound-size) - .00125;
// test actual lower-bound-size, if 0 set it to 0em
@if strip-unit($lower-bound-size) == 0 {
$lower-bound: -zf-bp-to-em($lower-bound-size);
@if $upper-bound-size == null {
@media screen and (max-width: $lower-bound) {
display: none !important;
@else {
$upper-bound: -zf-bp-to-em($upper-bound-size);
@media screen and (max-width: $lower-bound), screen and (min-width: $upper-bound) {
display: none !important;
/// Show an element by default, and hide it above a certain screen size.
/// @param {Keyword} $size - Breakpoint to use. **Must be a breakpoint defined in `$breakpoints`.**
@mixin hide-for($size) {
@include breakpoint($size) {
display: none !important;
/// Show an element by default, and hide it above a certain screen size.
/// @param {Keyword} $size - Breakpoint to use. **Must be a breakpoint defined in `$breakpoints`.**
@mixin hide-for-only($size) {
@include breakpoint($size only) {
display: none !important;
@mixin foundation-visibility-classes {
// Basic hiding classes
.hide {
display: none !important;
.invisible {
visibility: hidden;
// Responsive visibility classes
@each $size in $breakpoint-classes {
@if $size != $-zf-zero-breakpoint {
.hide-for-#{$size} {
@include hide-for($size);
.show-for-#{$size} {
@include show-for($size);
.hide-for-#{$size}-only {
@include hide-for-only($size);
.show-for-#{$size}-only {
@include show-for-only($size);
// Screen reader visibility classes
// Need a "hide-for-sr" class? Add aria-hidden='true' to the element
.show-on-focus {
@include element-invisible;
// Only display the element when it's focused
.show-on-focus {
&:focus {
@include element-invisible-off;
// Landscape and portrait visibility
.hide-for-portrait {
display: block !important;
@include breakpoint(landscape) {
display: block !important;
@include breakpoint(portrait) {
display: none !important;
.show-for-portrait {
display: none !important;
@include breakpoint(landscape) {
display: none !important;
@include breakpoint(portrait) {
display: block !important;