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2021-10-26 14:18:09 +02:00
// Foundation for Sites by ZURB
// Licensed under MIT Open Source
/// @group off-canvas
/// Width map of a left/right off-canvas panel.
/// @type Map
$offcanvas-sizes: (
small: 250px,
) !default;
/// Height map of a top/bottom off-canvas panel.
/// @type Map
$offcanvas-vertical-sizes: (
small: 250px,
) !default;
/// Background color of an off-canvas panel.
/// @type Color
$offcanvas-background: $light-gray !default;
/// Box shadow for the off-canvas overlap panel.
/// @type Shadow
$offcanvas-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba($black, 0.7) !default;
/// Inner box shadow size for the off-canvas push panel.
/// @type Number
$offcanvas-inner-shadow-size: 20px !default;
/// Inner box shadow color for the off-canvas push panel.
/// @type Color
$offcanvas-inner-shadow-color: rgba($black, 0.25) !default;
/// Z-index of an off-canvas content overlay.
/// @type Number
$offcanvas-overlay-zindex: 11 !default;
/// Z-index of an off-canvas panel with the `push` transition.
/// @type Number
$offcanvas-push-zindex: 12 !default;
/// Z-index of an off-canvas panel with the `overlap` transition.
/// @type Number
$offcanvas-overlap-zindex: 13 !default;
/// Z-index of an off-canvas panel using the `reveal-for-*` classes or mixin.
/// @type Number
$offcanvas-reveal-zindex: 12 !default;
/// Length of the animation on an off-canvas panel.
/// @type Number
$offcanvas-transition-length: 0.5s !default;
/// Timing function of the animation on an off-canvas panel.
/// @type Keyword
$offcanvas-transition-timing: ease !default;
/// If `true`, a revealed off-canvas will be fixed-position, and scroll with the screen.
/// @type Bool
$offcanvas-fixed-reveal: true !default;
/// Background color for the overlay that appears when an off-canvas panel is open.
/// @type Color
$offcanvas-exit-background: rgba($white, 0.25) !default;
/// CSS class used for the main content area. The off-canvas mixins use this to target the page content.
$maincontent-class: 'off-canvas-content' !default;
/// Adds baseline styles for off-canvas. This CSS is required to make the other pieces work.
@mixin off-canvas-basics {
/// Transform deprecated size settings into map & show warning
@if variable-exists(offcanvas-size) {
$offcanvas-sizes: (small: $offcanvas-size, medium: $offcanvas-size) !global;
@warn '$offcanvas-size is deprecated and not used anymore! Please update your settings and use the map $offcanvas-sizes instead';
@if variable-exists(offcanvas-vertical-size) {
$offcanvas-vertical-sizes: (small: $offcanvas-vertical-size, medium: $offcanvas-vertical-size) !global;
@warn '$offcanvas-vertical-size is deprecated and not used anymore! Please update your settings and use the map $offcanvas-vertical-sizes instead';
// Checks the z-indexes and increase them due to backwards compatibility.
// This is necessary because the overlay's z-index is new since v6.4 and may be identical to the user custom settings of the push z-index.
@if $offcanvas-push-zindex <= $offcanvas-overlay-zindex { $offcanvas-push-zindex: $offcanvas-overlay-zindex + 1 !global; }
@if $offcanvas-overlap-zindex <= $offcanvas-push-zindex { $offcanvas-overlap-zindex: $offcanvas-push-zindex + 1 !global; }
@if $offcanvas-reveal-zindex <= $offcanvas-overlay-zindex { $offcanvas-reveal-zindex: $offcanvas-overlay-zindex + 1 !global; }
// Hides overflow on body when an off-canvas panel is open.
.is-off-canvas-open {
overflow: hidden;
// Off-canvas overlay (generated by JavaScript)
.js-off-canvas-overlay {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
z-index: $offcanvas-overlay-zindex;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
transition: opacity $offcanvas-transition-length $offcanvas-transition-timing, visibility $offcanvas-transition-length $offcanvas-transition-timing;
background: $offcanvas-exit-background;
opacity: 0;
visibility: hidden;
overflow: hidden;
&.is-visible {
opacity: 1;
visibility: visible;
&.is-closable {
cursor: pointer;
&.is-overlay-absolute {
position: absolute;
&.is-overlay-fixed {
position: fixed;
// Adds basic styles for an off-canvas wrapper.
@mixin off-canvas-wrapper() {
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
/// Adds basic styles for an off-canvas panel.
@mixin off-canvas-base(
$background: $offcanvas-background,
$transition: $offcanvas-transition-length $offcanvas-transition-timing,
$fixed: true
) {
@include disable-mouse-outline;
@if $fixed == true {
position: fixed;
@else {
position: absolute;
// Set the off-canvas z-index.
z-index: $offcanvas-push-zindex;
// Increase CSS specificity
&.is-transition-push {
z-index: $offcanvas-push-zindex;
transition: transform $transition;
backface-visibility: hidden;
background: $background;
// Hide inactive off-canvas within the content that have the same position
&.is-closed {
visibility: hidden;
// Overlap only styles.
&.is-transition-overlap {
z-index: $offcanvas-overlap-zindex;
&.is-open {
box-shadow: $offcanvas-shadow;
// Sets transform to 0 to show an off-canvas panel.
&.is-open {
transform: translate(0, 0);
/// Adds styles to position an off-canvas panel to the left/right/top/bottom.
@mixin off-canvas-position(
$position: left,
$orientation: horizontal,
$sizes: if($orientation == horizontal, $offcanvas-sizes, $offcanvas-vertical-sizes)
) {
@if $position == left {
top: 0;
left: 0;
height: 100%;
overflow-y: auto;
@each $name, $size in $sizes {
@include breakpoint($name) {
width: $size;
transform: translateX(-$size);
// Sets the position for nested off-canvas element
@at-root .#{$maincontent-class} .off-canvas.position-#{$position} {
@each $name, $size in $sizes {
@include breakpoint($name) {
transform: translateX(-$size);
& {
transform: translate(0, 0);
// Sets the open position for the content
@at-root .#{$maincontent-class}.is-open-#{$position} {
&.has-transition-push {
@each $name, $size in $sizes {
@include breakpoint($name) {
transform: translateX($size);
@else if $position == right {
top: 0;
right: 0;
height: 100%;
overflow-y: auto;
@each $name, $size in $sizes {
@include breakpoint($name) {
width: $size;
transform: translateX($size);
// Sets the position for nested off-canvas element
@at-root .#{$maincontent-class} .off-canvas.position-#{$position} {
@each $name, $size in $sizes {
@include breakpoint($name) {
transform: translateX($size);
& {
transform: translate(0, 0);
// Sets the open position for the content
@at-root .#{$maincontent-class}.is-open-#{$position} {
&.has-transition-push {
@each $name, $size in $sizes {
@include breakpoint($name) {
transform: translateX(-$size);
@else if $position == top {
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
overflow-x: auto;
@each $name, $size in $sizes {
@include breakpoint($name) {
height: $size;
transform: translateY(-$size);
// Sets the position for nested off-canvas element
@at-root .#{$maincontent-class} .off-canvas.position-#{$position} {
@each $name, $size in $sizes {
@include breakpoint($name) {
transform: translateY(-$size);
& {
transform: translate(0, 0);
// Sets the open position for the content
@at-root .#{$maincontent-class}.is-open-#{$position} {
&.has-transition-push {
@each $name, $size in $sizes {
@include breakpoint($name) {
transform: translateY($size);
@else if $position == bottom {
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
overflow-x: auto;
@each $name, $size in $sizes {
@include breakpoint($name) {
height: $size;
transform: translateY($size);
// Sets the position for nested off-canvas element
@at-root .#{$maincontent-class} .off-canvas.position-#{$position} {
@each $name, $size in $sizes {
@include breakpoint($name) {
transform: translateY($size);
& {
transform: translate(0, 0);
// Sets the open position for the content
@at-root .#{$maincontent-class}.is-open-#{$position} {
&.has-transition-push {
@each $name, $size in $sizes {
@include breakpoint($name) {
transform: translateY(-$size);
// If $offcanvas-inner-shadow-size is set, add inner box-shadow.
// This mimics the off-canvas panel having a lower z-index, without having to have one.
@if $offcanvas-inner-shadow-size {
&.is-transition-push {
@if $position == left {
@include inner-side-shadow(right, $offcanvas-inner-shadow-size, $offcanvas-inner-shadow-color);
@else if $position == right {
@include inner-side-shadow(left, $offcanvas-inner-shadow-size, $offcanvas-inner-shadow-color);
@else if $position == top {
@include inner-side-shadow(bottom, $offcanvas-inner-shadow-size, $offcanvas-inner-shadow-color);
@else if $position == bottom {
@include inner-side-shadow(top, $offcanvas-inner-shadow-size, $offcanvas-inner-shadow-color);
/// Sets the styles for the content container.
@mixin off-canvas-content() {
transform: none;
transition: transform $offcanvas-transition-length $offcanvas-transition-timing;
backface-visibility: hidden;
// Transform scope until the element is closed (makes sure transitionend gets triggered)
&.has-transition-push {
transform: translate(0, 0);
// Consider element & content, nested in another content {
transform: translate(0, 0);
/// Adds styles that reveal an off-canvas panel.
@mixin off-canvas-reveal(
$position: left,
$zindex: $offcanvas-reveal-zindex,
$content: $maincontent-class,
$breakpoint: small
) {
transform: none;
z-index: $zindex;
transition: none;
visibility: visible;
@if not $offcanvas-fixed-reveal {
position: absolute;
.close-button {
display: none;
// Consider revealed element is nested in content
.#{$maincontent-class} & {
transform: none;
@at-root .#{$content}.has-reveal-#{$position} {
margin-#{$position}: -zf-get-bp-val($offcanvas-sizes, $breakpoint);
// backwards compatibility (prior to v6.4)
& ~ .#{$content} {
margin-#{$position}: -zf-get-bp-val($offcanvas-sizes, $breakpoint);
/// Overrides the off-canvas styles
@mixin in-canvas() {
visibility: visible;
height: auto;
position: static;
background: none;
width: auto;
overflow: visible;
transition: none;
// Increase CSS specificity
&.position-bottom {
box-shadow: none;
transform: none;
.close-button {
display: none;
@mixin foundation-off-canvas {
@include off-canvas-basics;
// Off-canvas wrapper
.off-canvas-wrapper {
@include off-canvas-wrapper;
// Off-canvas container
.off-canvas {
@include off-canvas-base;
// Force position absolute for nested off-canvas because fixed doesn't work for push transition within the transform scope.
@at-root .#{$maincontent-class} & {
// NOTE: since overlap transition is currently forced if nested, there's no need to force position absolute until nested push transition is supported.
// position: absolute;
// Off-canvas container with absolute position
.off-canvas-absolute {
@include off-canvas-base($fixed: false);
// Off-canvas position classes
.position-left { @include off-canvas-position(left, horizontal); }
.position-right { @include off-canvas-position(right, horizontal); }
.position-top { @include off-canvas-position(top, vertical); }
.position-bottom { @include off-canvas-position(bottom, vertical); }
.off-canvas-content {
@include off-canvas-content;
// Reveal off-canvas panel on larger screens
@each $name, $value in $breakpoint-classes {
@if $name != $-zf-zero-breakpoint {
@include breakpoint($name) {
.position-left.reveal-for-#{$name} {
@include off-canvas-reveal(left, $offcanvas-reveal-zindex, $maincontent-class, $name);
.position-right.reveal-for-#{$name} {
@include off-canvas-reveal(right, $offcanvas-reveal-zindex, $maincontent-class, $name);
.position-top.reveal-for-#{$name} {
@include off-canvas-reveal(top, $offcanvas-reveal-zindex, $maincontent-class, $name);
.position-bottom.reveal-for-#{$name} {
@include off-canvas-reveal(bottom, $offcanvas-reveal-zindex, $maincontent-class, $name);
// Move in-canvas for larger screens
@each $name, $value in $breakpoint-classes {
@if $name != $-zf-zero-breakpoint {
@include breakpoint($name) {{$name} {
@include in-canvas;