/* Theme Name: arcHIVE theme Theme URI: https://arc-hive.zone Git Theme URI: https://git.hangar.org/arcHIVE-tech/arcHIVE-wordpress-theme/src/branch/dev-foundationpress Description: arcHIVE theme is a design by Oficina De Disseny converted into HTML5, CSS and PHP by Jorge - vitrubio.net for Hangar Version: 1.0.0 Author: Jorge - vitrubio.net Author URI: http://vitrubio.net/ License: MIT License License URI: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unfortunately WordPress will require a style.css file located in the theme's root folder for stuff to work. However, we will not be using vanilla CSS. We're using Sass. Sass is a superset of CSS that adds in amazing features such as variables, nested selectors and loops. It's also the easiest way to customize Foundation. All Sass files are located in the /assets/scss folder. Please note that none of your scss files will be compiled to /stylesheets/foundation.css before you run 'npm run watch' or 'npm run build'. Please read the README.md file before getting started. More info on how to use Sass with Foundation can be found here: http://foundation.zurb.com/docs/sass.html If you for some reason would like to write plain css instead of using Sass, you could just enqueue this file (style.css) to the header and add your styles in this file ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */