/*! * Gutenberg Editor Styles */ /** === Includes === */ // @charset 'utf-8'; // // @import 'settings'; // @import 'foundation'; // // @include foundation-typography; // @include foundation-button; // @include foundation-table; /** === Content Width === */ .wp-block { // width: calc(100vw - (2 * 10)); // @each $breakpoint, $size in $grid-margin-gutters { // // @include breakpoint($breakpoint) { // width: calc(100vw - ($size)); // } // // } } /** === Base Typography === */ body { // font-size: $global-font-size; // font-family: $body-font-family; // color: $body-font-color; } /** === Post Title === */ .editor-post-title__block .editor-post-title__input{ // @extend h1; } /** === Button === */ .wp-block-button { // add general foundation button styling to button in editor .wp-block-button__link { // @extend .button; } // add special styling for squared buttons &.is-style-squared .wp-block-button__link { // border-radius: 0; } // add outline styles &.is-style-outline .wp-block-button__link{ // @extend .hollow; } // set transparent background to block for outline button &.is-style-outline, &.is-style-outline:hover, &.is-style-outline:focus, &.is-style-outline:active { // background: transparent; } } /** === File === */ .wp-block-file__button{ // @include button(); } /** === Pullquote === */ .wp-block-paragraph.has-background{ // padding: rem-calc(20px 30px); } /** === Table === */ .wp-block-table td{ // border: none; } /** === Latest Posts grid view === */ .wp-block-latest-posts.is-grid{ // list-style: none; }