# Meta Site data for Omeka S This module acompanies and is required by the Archive omeka theme ## Install ``` cd ./modules get https://git.hangar.org/arcHIVE-tech/arc-hive-site-omeka-module/archive/main.zip unzip main.zip mv arc-hive-site-omeka-module/ ArchiveSiteMeta rm main.zip ``` ## Configure ``` Collection One = collection1 Collection Two = collection2 Collection Three = collection3 ``` ## LISENCE The module is released under the [MIT] License. [arc-hive]: https://arc-hive.zone/ [wheelzoom]: https://github.com/jackmoore/wheelzoom [zoom]: https://github.com/jackmoore/zoom [Omeka S]: https://omeka.org/s [ArchiveSiteMeta]: https://git.hangar.org/arcHIVE-tech/ArchiveSiteMeta [MIT]: http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT