[ 'template_path_stack' => [ dirname(__DIR__) . '/view', ] ], 'block_layouts' => [ 'factories' => [ 'techDocument' => Service\BlockLayout\TechDocumentFactory::class, ], ], 'form_elements' => [ 'invokables' => [ Form\TechDocumentBlockForm::class => Form\TechDocumentBlockForm::class, ], ], /* 'media_ingesters' => [ 'factories' => [ 'TechDocument_media' => Service\Media\Ingester\TechDocumentMediaFactory::class, ], ], */ 'DefaultSettings' => [ 'TechDocumentBlockForm' => [ 'wrapStyle' => 'overflow-y: hidden;display: flex;flex-direction: column;justify-content: center;', //'imgStyle' => '', 'ui_background' => 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)', 'characteristics' => 'Title: Author: (artist, collective, scientist...) Date: Summary: Extended description: Keywords: Size: Dimension Length: Dimension Breadth: Dimension Height: Weight: Volume structure: (flat or 3D) Volume state: (flexible or rigid) Raw Material(s): (Materials or substances used in the primary production or manufacturing of the item) Glossiness: (The property of being smooth and shiny. burnish, polish, gloss) Color: (the property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way it reflects or emits light.) Transport: (movable or fixed) Status: (stable, unstable, living, dead(fixed or decaying), inert) Lifespan: Life cycle:', 'digitization' => 'Digitization status: (2D picture, 2D drawing, 2D + video, 2D + multispectral, 3D photogrammetry, 3D structured light, other) Digitization Protocols: Creators of digitization files: Contributors for the digitization: Rights: Tags:', 'storage' => 'What are the inert parts of the work: How to box them and what care needs to happen to maintain the materials in good condition: What are the living organisms that form the work: (what kingdom, order etc. - https://www.catalogueoflife.org/data/search?facet=rank&facet=issue&facet=status&facet=nomStatus&facet=nameType&facet=field&limit=50&offset=0&sortBy=taxonomic) How to store them: Bio-safety level requirements: (touch friendly, safety distance, double containment, triple containment, specific licenses, reports) Do they need to be revived for installation: Do they need to be kept alive between installation events: How do they interact: Documentation on the work ( video, photos, texts, etc.) History of exhibitions + documentation: ( video, photos, texts, etc.) Publications of the work: (articles, catalogues, etc.)', 'installation' => 'Assemblage requirements: Dimensions: Light requirements: (natural light, artificial light, grow light, light cycles, ambient light or spotlight) Humidity requirements: (humid environment, dry environment, not applicable) Temperature requirements: (constant temperature, temperature cycle, not applicable) Maintenance requirements: (cycles, laboratory availability/requirements, water requirements, feeding requirements, cleaning requirements) Time frame limitations: (days, weeks, months, years) Bio-safety level requirements: (touch friendly, safety distance required, double containment required, triple containment required, specific licenses required, reports or declarations required) Live material source: (international company, home laboratory, specific laboratory, local, wild) Technical equipment requirements: (incubators, batteries, power source, agitators, timers, magnetic stirrers, etc.) Audiovisual equipment requirements: (projectors, screens, players, speakers, PA, etc.) #### What is the minimum set of conditions necessary to meet for installation and/or display: Can it be shown as in a documentary form (video, images, text): specify Can it be shown as a posthumous display: Can it be shown as a living installation:', 'shipping' => 'Shipping requirements for inert parts: Crate number: Crate(s) dimensions: (Length, Breadth, Height) Crate(s) weight: Crate(s) volume: (in cm3) Shipping requirements for living materials: Live material source: (international company, home laboratory, specific laboratory, local, wild): Does it need special packaging and/or temperature requirements:', 'longtermcare' => 'Live material source: (international company, home laboratory, specific laboratory, local, wild): Does it need special packaging and/or temperature requirements: Bio-safety level requirements: (touch friendly, safety distance required, double containment required, triple containment required, specific licenses required, reports or declarations required) Time frame limitations: (days, weeks, months, years) What can be done to replace the living organisms: Does it need a hardware update/maintenance: Does it need software update/maintenance:', ] ] ];