# arcHIVE-HTML-template The HTML/CSS implementation on top of [Foundation](https://get.foundation), from the original design made by [Oficina de Diseny](http://oficinadedisseny.net/) for [arcHIVE project](https://arc-hive.zone) Build on top of [Foundation for Sites](http://foundation.zurb.com/sites). It has a Gulp-powered build system with these features: - Handlebars HTML templates with Panini - Sass compilation and prefixing - JavaScript module bundling with webpack - Built-in BrowserSync server - For production builds: - CSS compression - JavaScript module bundling with webpack - Image compression ## Installation To use this template, your computer needs: - [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org/en/) (Version 6 or greater recommended, tested with 6.11.4 and 8.12.0) - [Git](https://git-scm.com/) This template can be installed with the Foundation CLI, or downloaded and set up manually. ### Using the CLI Install the Foundation CLI with this command: ```bash npm install foundation-cli --global ``` Use this command to set up a blank Foundation for Sites project with this template: ```bash foundation new ``` The CLI will prompt you to give your project a name. The template will be downloaded into a folder with this name. Now `cd` to your project name and to start your project run ```bash foundation watch ``` A new static site will be created inside the `dist` directory and will be accessible at ``` http://localhost:8000 ``` To create compressed, production-ready assets, run ```bash foundation build ``` or the `npm` command ```bash npm run build ``` which will be saved into `dist`. if you only want to build an specific Asset that will compile into `dist/assets/` ```bash npm run styles ``` ```bash npm run scripts ``` ```bash npm run images ``` To get help for the `cli` just ```bash foundation help ```