# Browsersync config BROWSERSYNC: # URL of local development server goes here (ex. http://localsite.dev) url: "https://localhost" # Your project's server will run on localhost:xxxx at this port PORT: 8000 # UnCSS will use these settings UNCSS_OPTIONS: html: # Search for used CSS classes in generated HTML files - "dist/**/*.html" ignore: - !!js/regexp .foundation-mq - !!js/regexp ^\.is-.* # Autoprefixer will make sure your CSS works with these browsers COMPATIBILITY: - "last 2 versions" - "ie >= 9" - "ios >= 7" - "android >= 4.4" # Set to true if you want static asset revisioning, helpful for cache busting REVISIONING: false # Gulp will reference these paths when it copies files PATHS: # Path to dist folder dist: "dist" # Paths to static assets that aren't images, CSS, or JavaScript assets: - "src/assets/**/*" #- "!src/assets/{images,images/**/*,img,img/**/*,js,js/**/*,scss,scss/**/*}" - "!src/assets/{images,img,js,scss}/**/*}" # Paths to Sass libraries, which can then be loaded with @import sass: - "node_modules/foundation-sites/scss" - "node_modules/motion-ui/src" # Paths to JavaScript entry points for webpack to bundle modules entries: - "src/assets/js/app.js" # Paths for the package task to include/exclude in .zip archive package: - "**/*" - "!**/node_modules/**" - "!**/packaged/**" - "!**/src/**" - "!**/codesniffer.ruleset.xml" - "!**/composer.json" - "!**/composer.lock" - "!**/config.yml" - "!**/config.default.yml" - "!**/gulpfile.babel.js" - "!**/package.json" - "!**/package-lock.json" - "!**/webpack.config.js" # Paths for PHP CodeSniffer phpcs: - "**/*.php" - "!wpcs" - "!wpcs/**"