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# Changelog
## Version 1.0 (June 03, 2021)
## Version 1.0 (November 19, 2015)
Initial release.

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# Arc-hive omeka theme
This is the Arc-hive development theme based on Omeka S theme based on [Omeka Foundation S theme].
## dev site
### designs omeka
We are trying to accomplish this design for the OmekaS system
# Foundation S
This is an Omeka S theme based on [Omeka Foundation S theme].
## Installation
For basic out-of-the-box use of the theme, follow the [Omeka S User Manual instructions for installing themes](
cd themes
git clone archive
cd archive
git checkout arc-hive-v01
chown -R www-data:www-data ./
to update changes
cd themes/archive
git pull
chown -R www-data:www-data ./
mv arc-hive-omeka-theme archive
## Arc-hive theme notes
## Omeka Foundation S theme notes
For more advanced use, such as customizing the theme with Sass, you'll need to install the tools with [NodeJS]( (0.12 or greater). Navigate to your theme directory and run `npm install`.
@ -57,10 +41,9 @@ For more advanced use, such as customizing the theme with Sass, you'll need to i
## Customizing the Theme
### CSS classes
Arc-hive projecct css classes will start with `arc-` as ex: `arc-my-class-name`
For those dipping their toes into customizing sites with CSS, the [CSS Editor]( module allows site administrators to write style overrides.
For advanced CSS and Sass users, Foundation S uses ZURB Foundation Site's toolkit that includes variables and mixins for managing and extending many styles.
### Sass Tasks

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} */

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d="m 2796.88,1386.67 47.36,-11.97 c -9.93,-38.9 -27.79,-68.56 -53.6,-88.99 -25.79,-20.43 -57.33,-30.64 -94.6,-30.64 -38.57,0 -69.95,7.85 -94.11,23.56 -24.18,15.71 -42.56,38.45 -55.17,68.23 -12.62,29.79 -18.93,61.78 -18.93,95.96 0,37.27 7.12,69.78 21.37,97.53 14.24,27.74 34.5,48.83 60.78,63.23 26.29,14.41 55.22,21.6 86.8,21.6 35.8,0 65.92,-9.11 90.33,-27.34 24.41,-18.22 41.42,-43.87 51.02,-76.89 l -46.63,-11 c -8.3,26.04 -20.35,45 -36.13,56.89 -15.79,11.88 -35.64,17.82 -59.57,17.82 -27.51,0 -50.5,-6.59 -68.96,-19.77 -18.48,-13.18 -31.47,-30.89 -38.95,-53.1 -7.49,-22.22 -11.23,-45.13 -11.23,-68.74 0,-30.42 4.43,-57 13.3,-79.7 8.88,-22.71 22.67,-39.67 41.39,-50.9 18.71,-11.23 38.97,-16.86 60.79,-16.86 26.52,0 48.98,7.66 67.38,22.95 18.39,15.31 30.84,38.01 37.36,68.13"
id="path64" /><path
d="m 2925.78,1390.81 c 0,-33.2 7.24,-58.07 21.73,-74.58 14.48,-16.52 32.71,-24.78 54.69,-24.78 21.8,0 39.95,8.3 54.44,24.91 14.48,16.6 21.73,41.9 21.73,75.91 0,32.07 -7.29,56.36 -21.86,72.88 -14.56,16.52 -32.67,24.78 -54.31,24.78 -21.98,0 -40.21,-8.22 -54.69,-24.65 -14.49,-16.44 -21.73,-41.27 -21.73,-74.47 z m -45.16,0 c 0,48.01 13.34,83.57 40.03,106.7 22.3,19.2 49.48,28.81 81.55,28.81 35.64,0 64.77,-11.68 87.4,-35.04 22.62,-23.36 33.94,-55.63 33.94,-96.8 0,-33.38 -5.01,-59.62 -15.01,-78.74 -10.02,-19.13 -24.58,-33.97 -43.72,-44.56 -19.12,-10.57 -40,-15.86 -62.61,-15.86 -36.3,0 -65.64,11.63 -88.01,34.9 -22.38,23.28 -33.57,56.81 -33.57,100.59"
id="path66" /><path
d="m 3157.96,1368.6 v 44.18 h 135.01 v -44.18 h -135.01"
id="path68" /><path
d="m 3352.05,1261.18 v 225.1 h -38.82 v 34.18 h 38.82 v 27.58 c 0,17.42 1.54,30.35 4.64,38.82 4.23,11.39 11.68,20.63 22.33,27.71 10.67,7.08 25.6,10.61 44.81,10.61 12.36,0 26.03,-1.46 41.01,-4.39 l -6.59,-38.32 c -9.12,1.62 -17.74,2.44 -25.88,2.44 -13.35,0 -22.79,-2.85 -28.32,-8.55 -5.53,-5.7 -8.3,-16.35 -8.3,-31.98 v -23.92 h 50.54 v -34.18 h -50.54 v -225.1 h -43.7"
id="path70" /><path
d="m 3650.39,1261.18 v 38.09 c -20.18,-29.3 -47.61,-43.95 -82.27,-43.95 -15.31,0 -29.58,2.93 -42.86,8.79 -13.26,5.86 -23.1,13.22 -29.53,22.09 -6.43,8.87 -10.95,19.73 -13.55,32.6 -1.8,8.61 -2.69,22.28 -2.69,41.01 v 160.65 h 43.95 v -143.81 c 0,-22.95 0.89,-38.41 2.68,-46.39 2.77,-11.55 8.63,-20.62 17.58,-27.21 8.95,-6.6 20.02,-9.9 33.2,-9.9 13.19,0 25.55,3.38 37.11,10.14 11.56,6.76 19.74,15.94 24.53,27.59 4.81,11.63 7.21,28.52 7.21,50.65 v 138.93 h 43.95 v -259.28 h -39.31"
id="path72" /><path
d="m 3758.54,1261.18 v 259.28 h 39.56 v -36.88 c 19.04,28.49 46.54,42.74 82.52,42.74 15.62,0 29.99,-2.82 43.09,-8.43 13.1,-5.62 22.9,-12.98 29.42,-22.1 6.5,-9.11 11.06,-19.94 13.67,-32.46 1.62,-8.15 2.44,-22.38 2.44,-42.74 v -159.41 h -43.95 v 157.71 c 0,17.9 -1.71,31.29 -5.12,40.16 -3.42,8.87 -9.49,15.95 -18.2,21.24 -8.7,5.28 -18.91,7.94 -30.63,7.94 -18.72,0 -34.88,-5.95 -48.47,-17.83 -13.58,-11.88 -20.38,-34.42 -20.38,-67.62 v -141.6 h -43.95"
id="path74" /><path
d="m 4065.92,1390.57 c 0,-33.2 6.99,-58.02 20.99,-74.47 14,-16.43 30.52,-24.65 49.56,-24.65 19.2,0 35.53,7.85 48.95,23.56 13.44,15.7 20.15,39.67 20.15,71.89 0,35.49 -6.84,61.53 -20.51,78.13 -13.67,16.6 -30.52,24.9 -50.54,24.9 -19.53,0 -35.85,-7.97 -48.94,-23.93 -13.11,-15.94 -19.66,-41.09 -19.66,-75.43 z m 138.91,-129.39 v 32.71 c -16.44,-25.72 -40.61,-38.57 -72.51,-38.57 -20.67,0 -39.67,5.7 -57,17.09 -17.34,11.39 -30.76,27.3 -40.29,47.73 -9.51,20.41 -14.28,43.89 -14.28,70.43 0,25.88 4.31,49.36 12.94,70.43 8.62,21.08 21.56,37.23 38.82,48.46 17.25,11.23 36.53,16.86 57.86,16.86 15.63,0 29.54,-3.3 41.75,-9.89 12.21,-6.6 22.13,-15.19 29.78,-25.76 v 128.42 h 43.71 v -357.91 h -40.78"
id="path76" /><path
d="m 4347.9,1415.71 h 144.78 c -1.96,21.82 -7.49,38.17 -16.61,49.08 -14,16.92 -32.14,25.39 -54.44,25.39 -20.18,0 -37.15,-6.75 -50.91,-20.27 -13.75,-13.51 -21.35,-31.57 -22.82,-54.2 z m 144.29,-71.03 45.41,-5.63 c -7.17,-26.52 -20.43,-47.11 -39.8,-61.76 -19.37,-14.65 -44.11,-21.97 -74.22,-21.97 -37.93,0 -67.99,11.67 -90.2,35.03 -22.23,23.35 -33.33,56.1 -33.33,98.27 0,43.61 11.23,77.46 33.69,101.56 22.46,24.09 51.59,36.14 87.4,36.14 34.67,0 62.99,-11.81 84.96,-35.41 21.98,-23.6 32.96,-56.8 32.96,-99.61 0,-2.6 -0.09,-6.51 -0.24,-11.72 h -193.36 c 1.62,-28.48 9.68,-50.29 24.17,-65.43 14.48,-15.14 32.55,-22.7 54.2,-22.7 16.11,0 29.86,4.22 41.26,12.7 11.38,8.46 20.42,21.97 27.1,40.53"
id="path78" /><path
d="m 4622.07,1390.57 c 0,-33.2 6.99,-58.02 21,-74.47 13.99,-16.43 30.51,-24.65 49.56,-24.65 19.2,0 35.52,7.85 48.94,23.56 13.44,15.7 20.15,39.67 20.15,71.89 0,35.49 -6.84,61.53 -20.51,78.13 -13.67,16.6 -30.52,24.9 -50.54,24.9 -19.53,0 -35.85,-7.97 -48.94,-23.93 -13.11,-15.94 -19.66,-41.09 -19.66,-75.43 z m 138.92,-129.39 v 32.71 c -16.45,-25.72 -40.62,-38.57 -72.51,-38.57 -20.68,0 -39.68,5.7 -57.01,17.09 -17.34,11.39 -30.76,27.3 -40.29,47.73 -9.51,20.41 -14.28,43.89 -14.28,70.43 0,25.88 4.31,49.36 12.94,70.43 8.63,21.08 21.57,37.23 38.82,48.46 17.25,11.23 36.54,16.86 57.86,16.86 15.63,0 29.54,-3.3 41.75,-9.89 12.21,-6.6 22.13,-15.19 29.79,-25.76 v 128.42 h 43.7 v -357.91 h -40.77"
id="path80" /><path
d="m 5049.8,1392.76 c 0,-31.08 4.23,-53.54 12.7,-67.38 13.83,-22.62 32.55,-33.93 56.15,-33.93 19.2,0 35.8,8.34 49.81,25.02 13.99,16.68 20.99,41.55 20.99,74.59 0,33.85 -6.71,58.83 -20.14,74.94 -13.42,16.12 -29.66,24.18 -48.7,24.18 -19.21,0 -35.82,-8.34 -49.81,-25.03 -14,-16.69 -21,-40.81 -21,-72.39 z m 0.49,-131.58 h -40.77 v 357.91 h 43.95 v -127.7 c 18.55,23.29 42.23,34.93 71.04,34.93 15.95,0 31.05,-3.23 45.28,-9.65 14.25,-6.43 25.97,-15.47 35.16,-27.1 9.2,-11.64 16.4,-25.68 21.61,-42.12 5.21,-16.43 7.82,-34.01 7.82,-52.74 0,-44.43 -10.99,-78.76 -32.96,-103.02 -21.98,-24.25 -48.34,-36.37 -79.11,-36.37 -30.6,0 -54.6,12.77 -72.02,38.32 v -32.46"
id="path82" /><path
d="m 5285.89,1161.32 -4.88,41.27 c 9.6,-2.61 17.97,-3.91 25.14,-3.91 9.77,0 17.58,1.62 23.44,4.88 5.86,3.26 10.65,7.82 14.4,13.67 2.77,4.4 7.24,15.3 13.43,32.72 0.81,2.44 2.11,6.01 3.91,10.74 l -98.39,259.77 h 47.36 l 53.96,-150.16 c 6.99,-19.04 13.26,-39.06 18.8,-60.06 5.04,20.19 11.06,39.89 18.06,59.08 l 55.42,151.14 h 43.95 l -98.63,-263.67 c -10.59,-28.49 -18.8,-48.11 -24.66,-58.85 -7.82,-14.48 -16.77,-25.1 -26.86,-31.86 -10.1,-6.76 -22.14,-10.13 -36.13,-10.13 -8.47,0 -17.91,1.79 -28.32,5.37"
id="path84" /><path
d="m 5772.71,1300.48 6.34,-38.81 c -12.37,-2.61 -23.43,-3.91 -33.2,-3.91 -15.96,0 -28.32,2.52 -37.11,7.56 -8.79,5.05 -14.98,11.68 -18.55,19.9 -3.59,8.23 -5.38,25.51 -5.38,51.88 v 149.18 h -32.22 v 34.18 h 32.22 v 64.2 l 43.71,26.36 v -90.56 h 44.19 v -34.18 h -44.19 v -151.62 c 0,-12.53 0.77,-20.59 2.31,-24.16 1.55,-3.6 4.07,-6.44 7.58,-8.56 3.49,-2.11 8.49,-3.16 15.01,-3.16 4.88,0 11.31,0.56 19.29,1.7"
id="path86" /><path
d="m 5815.67,1261.18 v 357.91 h 43.95 v -128.42 c 20.51,23.75 46.39,35.65 77.64,35.65 19.2,0 35.88,-3.79 50.04,-11.36 14.16,-7.57 24.3,-18.03 30.4,-31.38 6.11,-13.34 9.16,-32.71 9.16,-58.1 v -164.3 h -43.95 v 164.3 c 0,21.97 -4.77,37.97 -14.28,47.98 -9.53,10 -23,15 -40.41,15 -13.02,0 -25.27,-3.37 -36.74,-10.12 -11.48,-6.76 -19.65,-15.91 -24.54,-27.47 -4.88,-11.56 -7.32,-27.5 -7.32,-47.85 v -141.84 h -43.95"
id="path88" /><path
d="m 6126.95,1415.71 h 144.78 c -1.95,21.82 -7.49,38.17 -16.6,49.08 -14.01,16.92 -32.15,25.39 -54.45,25.39 -20.18,0 -37.14,-6.75 -50.9,-20.27 -13.75,-13.51 -21.36,-31.57 -22.83,-54.2 z m 144.29,-71.03 45.41,-5.63 c -7.17,-26.52 -20.43,-47.11 -39.79,-61.76 -19.38,-14.65 -44.12,-21.97 -74.22,-21.97 -37.93,0 -68,11.67 -90.21,35.03 -22.22,23.35 -33.33,56.1 -33.33,98.27 0,43.61 11.23,77.46 33.69,101.56 22.46,24.09 51.59,36.14 87.41,36.14 34.66,0 62.98,-11.81 84.96,-35.41 21.97,-23.6 32.96,-56.8 32.96,-99.61 0,-2.6 -0.09,-6.51 -0.25,-11.72 h -193.36 c 1.62,-28.48 9.68,-50.29 24.17,-65.43 14.48,-15.14 32.55,-22.7 54.2,-22.7 16.11,0 29.86,4.22 41.26,12.7 11.39,8.46 20.42,21.97 27.1,40.53"
id="path90" /><path
d="m 269.043,826.656 47.363,-11.961 c -9.929,-38.906 -27.793,-68.562 -53.593,-88.996 -25.793,-20.418 -57.333,-30.633 -94.598,-30.633 -38.574,0 -69.9533,7.852 -94.1134,23.567 -24.1797,15.703 -42.5703,38.445 -55.1758,68.23 C 6.30859,816.648 0,848.633 0,882.813 c 0,37.273 7.11719,69.773 21.3672,97.527 14.2383,27.75 34.5,48.83 60.7812,63.24 26.2896,14.4 55.2146,21.6 86.7966,21.6 35.801,0 65.918,-9.12 90.332,-27.34 24.414,-18.23 41.414,-43.867 51.028,-76.902 l -46.633,-10.989 c -8.301,26.035 -20.352,45 -36.133,56.891 -15.793,11.88 -35.644,17.82 -59.57,17.82 -27.508,0 -50.496,-6.59 -68.9651,-19.78 -18.4766,-13.185 -31.4648,-30.888 -38.9453,-53.095 -7.4883,-22.226 -11.2305,-45.137 -11.2305,-68.73 0,-30.442 4.4336,-57.012 13.3008,-79.715 8.8789,-22.695 22.6641,-39.668 41.3871,-50.899 18.711,-11.23 38.972,-16.847 60.793,-16.847 26.519,0 48.98,7.644 67.379,22.949 18.39,15.293 30.839,38 37.355,68.113"
id="path92" /><path
d="m 368.652,701.172 v 259.273 h 39.551 v -39.304 c 10.09,18.386 19.402,30.515 27.957,36.379 8.535,5.859 17.942,8.789 28.195,8.789 14.805,0 29.864,-4.719 45.165,-14.161 l -15.133,-40.773 c -10.742,6.348 -21.489,9.523 -32.231,9.523 -9.605,0 -18.23,-2.89 -25.879,-8.664 -7.656,-5.781 -13.101,-13.796 -16.355,-24.05 -4.883,-15.625 -7.324,-32.715 -7.324,-51.274 V 701.172 h -43.946"
id="path94" /><path
d="m 568.848,855.711 h 144.773 c -1.949,21.809 -7.488,38.164 -16.601,49.07 -14,16.926 -32.149,25.395 -54.442,25.395 -20.183,0 -37.148,-6.758 -50.906,-20.266 -13.75,-13.515 -21.359,-31.582 -22.824,-54.199 z m 144.289,-71.043 45.41,-5.617 c -7.168,-26.531 -20.434,-47.117 -39.797,-61.77 -19.375,-14.644 -44.109,-21.968 -74.219,-21.968 -37.929,0 -68,11.675 -90.207,35.039 -22.222,23.347 -33.328,56.101 -33.328,98.257 0,43.625 11.231,77.473 33.692,101.567 22.46,24.09 51.589,36.133 87.402,36.133 34.668,0 62.988,-11.809 84.961,-35.403 21.972,-23.601 32.961,-56.804 32.961,-99.609 0,-2.606 -0.09,-6.516 -0.246,-11.719 h -193.36 c 1.621,-28.484 9.68,-50.293 24.168,-65.43 14.485,-15.136 32.551,-22.707 54.199,-22.707 16.118,0 29.868,4.231 41.262,12.7 11.387,8.457 20.418,21.968 27.102,40.527"
id="path96" /><path
d="m 979.246,831.297 c -15.953,-6.516 -39.883,-12.051 -71.773,-16.602 -18.071,-2.605 -30.852,-5.539 -38.332,-8.789 -7.493,-3.261 -13.274,-8.015 -17.332,-14.289 -4.075,-6.258 -6.106,-13.219 -6.106,-20.867 0,-11.719 4.434,-21.484 13.301,-29.297 8.879,-7.812 21.855,-11.719 38.945,-11.719 16.922,0 31.985,3.704 45.164,11.106 13.188,7.41 22.864,17.539 29.055,30.398 4.719,9.922 7.078,24.571 7.078,43.946 z m 3.664,-98.145 c -16.277,-13.836 -31.941,-23.601 -46.992,-29.297 -15.059,-5.695 -31.223,-8.542 -48.469,-8.542 -28.484,0 -50.379,6.953 -65.672,20.878 -15.3,13.907 -22.949,31.688 -22.949,53.336 0,12.7 2.891,24.297 8.672,34.789 5.77,10.504 13.34,18.922 22.695,25.274 9.368,6.348 19.903,11.14 31.621,14.402 8.622,2.278 21.641,4.473 39.063,6.594 35.476,4.227 61.601,9.273 78.367,15.137 0.156,6.023 0.246,9.843 0.246,11.472 0,17.903 -4.148,30.52 -12.449,37.84 -11.23,9.934 -27.922,14.895 -50.051,14.895 -20.676,0 -35.929,-3.621 -45.781,-10.86 -9.844,-7.246 -17.129,-20.066 -21.848,-38.457 l -42.968,5.86 c 3.91,18.386 10.335,33.242 19.289,44.55 8.945,11.309 21.882,20.02 38.82,26.133 16.922,6.094 36.531,9.153 58.836,9.153 22.129,0 40.117,-2.61 53.957,-7.817 13.824,-5.203 24.003,-11.765 30.513,-19.656 6.51,-7.891 11.07,-17.859 13.67,-29.902 1.47,-7.493 2.2,-20.996 2.2,-40.528 v -58.593 c 0,-40.86 0.94,-66.692 2.8,-77.508 1.88,-10.832 5.58,-21.211 11.12,-31.133 h -45.901 c -4.558,9.109 -7.488,19.773 -8.789,31.98"
id="path98" /><path
d="m 1187.74,740.477 6.35,-38.821 c -12.37,-2.593 -23.44,-3.902 -33.2,-3.902 -15.96,0 -28.32,2.527 -37.11,7.566 -8.79,5.039 -14.98,11.68 -18.56,19.895 -3.58,8.223 -5.37,25.515 -5.37,51.883 V 926.27 h -32.22 v 34.175 h 32.22 v 64.215 l 43.7,26.36 v -90.575 h 44.19 V 926.27 h -44.19 V 774.656 c 0,-12.539 0.78,-20.593 2.32,-24.172 1.55,-3.582 4.07,-6.433 7.58,-8.543 3.49,-2.121 8.49,-3.171 15.01,-3.171 4.88,0 11.31,0.566 19.28,1.707"
id="path100" /><path
d="m 1230.96,701.172 v 259.273 h 43.94 V 701.172 Z m 0,307.368 v 50.54 h 43.94 v -50.54 h -43.94"
id="path102" /><path
d="m 1413.82,701.172 -98.63,259.273 h 46.38 l 55.67,-155.269 c 6.01,-16.77 11.55,-34.184 16.6,-52.246 3.9,13.672 9.35,30.105 16.36,49.312 l 57.61,158.203 h 45.17 l -98.15,-259.273 h -41.01"
id="path104" /><path
d="m 1625,855.711 h 144.78 c -1.96,21.809 -7.49,38.164 -16.61,49.07 -14,16.926 -32.14,25.395 -54.44,25.395 -20.19,0 -37.15,-6.758 -50.91,-20.266 -13.75,-13.515 -21.36,-31.582 -22.82,-54.199 z m 144.29,-71.043 45.41,-5.617 c -7.17,-26.531 -20.43,-47.117 -39.8,-61.77 -19.37,-14.644 -44.11,-21.968 -74.22,-21.968 -37.93,0 -67.99,11.675 -90.2,35.039 -22.23,23.347 -33.33,56.101 -33.33,98.257 0,43.625 11.23,77.473 33.69,101.567 22.46,24.09 51.59,36.133 87.4,36.133 34.67,0 62.99,-11.809 84.96,-35.403 21.98,-23.601 32.96,-56.804 32.96,-99.609 0,-2.606 -0.09,-6.516 -0.24,-11.719 h -193.36 c 1.62,-28.484 9.68,-50.293 24.17,-65.43 14.48,-15.136 32.55,-22.707 54.2,-22.707 16.11,0 29.86,4.231 41.26,12.7 11.38,8.457 20.42,21.968 27.1,40.527"
id="path106" /><path
d="m 2015.38,701.172 v 357.908 h 258.79 v -42.24 H 2062.74 V 907.227 h 198 v -41.993 h -198 V 743.406 h 219.73 v -42.234 h -267.09"
id="path108" /><path
d="m 2512.21,701.172 v 38.086 c -20.19,-29.297 -47.61,-43.945 -82.28,-43.945 -15.3,0 -29.58,2.925 -42.85,8.789 -13.26,5.859 -23.11,13.218 -29.53,22.089 -6.44,8.875 -10.96,19.735 -13.56,32.594 -1.79,8.625 -2.68,22.297 -2.68,41.02 v 160.64 h 43.94 V 816.648 c 0,-22.949 0.89,-38.418 2.69,-46.386 2.76,-11.563 8.62,-20.633 17.58,-27.215 8.94,-6.606 20.02,-9.895 33.2,-9.895 13.18,0 25.55,3.379 37.11,10.125 11.55,6.758 19.74,15.957 24.53,27.602 4.81,11.629 7.21,28.516 7.21,50.652 v 138.914 h 43.94 V 701.172 h -39.3"
id="path110" /><path
d="m 2619.87,701.172 v 259.273 h 39.55 v -39.304 c 10.09,18.386 19.41,30.515 27.96,36.379 8.54,5.859 17.94,8.789 28.2,8.789 14.8,0 29.86,-4.719 45.16,-14.161 l -15.13,-40.773 c -10.75,6.348 -21.49,9.523 -32.23,9.523 -9.61,0 -18.23,-2.89 -25.88,-8.664 -7.66,-5.781 -13.11,-13.796 -16.36,-24.05 -4.88,-15.625 -7.32,-32.715 -7.32,-51.274 V 701.172 h -43.95"
id="path112" /><path
d="m 2815.67,830.809 c 0,-33.204 7.24,-58.067 21.73,-74.579 14.48,-16.527 32.72,-24.789 54.69,-24.789 21.81,0 39.95,8.301 54.44,24.907 14.49,16.597 21.73,41.902 21.73,75.925 0,32.063 -7.28,56.348 -21.85,72.872 -14.56,16.523 -32.68,24.785 -54.32,24.785 -21.97,0 -40.21,-8.223 -54.69,-24.657 -14.49,-16.437 -21.73,-41.261 -21.73,-74.464 z m -45.16,0 c 0,48.007 13.34,83.574 40.04,106.687 22.29,19.211 49.47,28.813 81.54,28.813 35.64,0 64.78,-11.68 87.4,-35.032 22.62,-23.359 33.94,-55.625 33.94,-96.804 0,-33.371 -5.01,-59.614 -15.01,-78.735 -10.02,-19.129 -24.58,-33.98 -43.71,-44.558 -19.12,-10.575 -40,-15.867 -62.62,-15.867 -36.3,0 -65.63,11.628 -88.01,34.91 -22.38,23.269 -33.57,56.797 -33.57,100.586"
id="path114" /><path
d="m 3104.74,829.344 c 0,-33.367 6.74,-58.028 20.26,-73.977 13.51,-15.957 29.86,-23.926 49.07,-23.926 19.53,0 36.25,8.262 50.18,24.789 13.9,16.512 20.87,42.11 20.87,76.778 0,33.035 -6.8,57.781 -20.38,74.219 -13.6,16.433 -29.84,24.656 -48.71,24.656 -18.73,0 -35.28,-8.75 -49.69,-26.25 -14.4,-17.5 -21.6,-42.93 -21.6,-76.289 z m -39.8,-227.543 v 358.644 h 40.04 v -33.687 c 9.43,13.183 20.1,23.074 31.98,29.656 11.88,6.602 26.28,9.895 43.22,9.895 22.12,0 41.66,-5.696 58.59,-17.09 16.92,-11.399 29.7,-27.473 38.33,-48.215 8.62,-20.762 12.94,-43.508 12.94,-68.242 0,-26.532 -4.76,-50.418 -14.29,-71.653 -9.51,-21.25 -23.35,-37.515 -41.5,-48.828 -18.15,-11.316 -37.23,-16.968 -57.25,-16.968 -14.65,0 -27.79,3.093 -39.43,9.277 -11.63,6.18 -21.2,13.992 -28.68,23.433 V 601.801 h -43.95"
id="path116" /><path
d="M 3376.22,855.711 H 3521 c -1.96,21.809 -7.49,38.164 -16.61,49.07 -14,16.926 -32.14,25.395 -54.44,25.395 -20.18,0 -37.15,-6.758 -50.91,-20.266 -13.75,-13.515 -21.35,-31.582 -22.82,-54.199 z m 144.29,-71.043 45.41,-5.617 c -7.17,-26.531 -20.43,-47.117 -39.8,-61.77 -19.37,-14.644 -44.11,-21.968 -74.22,-21.968 -37.93,0 -67.99,11.675 -90.2,35.039 -22.23,23.347 -33.33,56.101 -33.33,98.257 0,43.625 11.23,77.473 33.69,101.567 22.46,24.09 51.59,36.133 87.4,36.133 34.67,0 62.99,-11.809 84.96,-35.403 21.98,-23.601 32.96,-56.804 32.96,-99.609 0,-2.606 -0.09,-6.516 -0.24,-11.719 h -193.36 c 1.62,-28.484 9.68,-50.293 24.17,-65.43 14.48,-15.136 32.55,-22.707 54.2,-22.707 16.11,0 29.86,4.231 41.26,12.7 11.38,8.457 20.42,21.968 27.1,40.527"
id="path118" /><path
d="m 3812.99,888.914 h 92.53 c 30.59,0 52.32,5.695 65.18,17.09 12.85,11.387 19.29,27.422 19.29,48.098 0,14.968 -3.78,27.781 -11.36,38.445 -7.56,10.663 -17.54,17.703 -29.9,21.123 -7.98,2.12 -22.7,3.17 -44.19,3.17 h -91.55 z m -47.36,-187.742 v 357.908 h 135 c 23.76,0 41.91,-1.14 54.45,-3.42 17.58,-2.93 32.3,-8.5 44.19,-16.73 11.87,-8.22 21.44,-19.72 28.68,-34.54 7.25,-14.812 10.87,-31.081 10.87,-48.824 0,-30.441 -9.69,-56.203 -29.05,-77.277 -19.38,-21.074 -54.37,-31.609 -104.98,-31.609 h -91.8 V 701.172 h -47.36"
id="path120" /><path
d="m 4093.02,701.172 v 259.273 h 39.55 v -39.304 c 10.09,18.386 19.4,30.515 27.96,36.379 8.53,5.859 17.94,8.789 28.19,8.789 14.81,0 29.86,-4.719 45.17,-14.161 l -15.14,-40.773 c -10.74,6.348 -21.48,9.523 -32.23,9.523 -9.61,0 -18.23,-2.89 -25.88,-8.664 -7.65,-5.781 -13.1,-13.796 -16.35,-24.05 -4.89,-15.625 -7.33,-32.715 -7.33,-51.274 V 701.172 h -43.94"
id="path122" /><path
d="m 4288.82,830.809 c 0,-33.204 7.23,-58.067 21.73,-74.579 14.48,-16.527 32.71,-24.789 54.68,-24.789 21.81,0 39.96,8.301 54.45,24.907 14.48,16.597 21.73,41.902 21.73,75.925 0,32.063 -7.29,56.348 -21.86,72.872 -14.56,16.523 -32.67,24.785 -54.32,24.785 -21.97,0 -40.2,-8.223 -54.68,-24.657 -14.5,-16.437 -21.73,-41.261 -21.73,-74.464 z m -45.17,0 c 0,48.007 13.34,83.574 40.04,106.687 22.3,19.211 49.47,28.813 81.54,28.813 35.65,0 64.78,-11.68 87.41,-35.032 22.61,-23.359 33.93,-55.625 33.93,-96.804 0,-33.371 -5.01,-59.614 -15.01,-78.735 -10.02,-19.129 -24.58,-33.98 -43.71,-44.558 -19.12,-10.575 -40,-15.867 -62.62,-15.867 -36.29,0 -65.63,11.628 -88,34.91 -22.39,23.269 -33.58,56.797 -33.58,100.586"
id="path124" /><path
d="m 4566.41,835.445 c 0,-34.019 6.74,-58.836 20.26,-74.461 13.51,-15.625 30.43,-23.437 50.78,-23.437 20.18,0 37.11,7.773 50.78,23.312 13.67,15.543 20.51,39.918 20.51,73.125 0,31.739 -7.04,55.664 -21.11,71.778 -14.09,16.109 -31.06,24.168 -50.91,24.168 -19.53,0 -36.13,-7.93 -49.81,-23.809 -13.67,-15.859 -20.5,-39.426 -20.5,-70.676 z m -36.38,-155.757 42.72,-6.348 c 1.79,-13.192 6.75,-22.789 14.9,-28.809 10.89,-8.14 25.79,-12.211 44.67,-12.211 20.35,0 36.05,4.071 47.12,12.211 11.07,8.141 18.56,19.528 22.46,34.18 2.28,8.953 3.33,27.742 3.18,56.394 -19.21,-22.625 -43.14,-33.933 -71.78,-33.933 -35.64,0 -63.23,12.851 -82.76,38.57 -19.53,25.715 -29.3,56.555 -29.3,92.531 0,24.739 4.47,47.559 13.43,68.477 8.94,20.918 21.93,37.07 38.93,48.469 17.02,11.394 37,17.09 59.94,17.09 30.6,0 55.83,-12.375 75.69,-37.114 v 31.25 h 40.53 V 736.324 c 0,-40.359 -4.12,-68.965 -12.33,-85.812 -8.22,-16.84 -21.25,-30.153 -39.06,-39.922 -17.83,-9.762 -39.77,-14.641 -65.8,-14.641 -30.93,0 -55.91,6.961 -74.95,20.86 -19.05,13.929 -28.24,34.89 -27.59,62.879"
id="path126" /><path
d="m 4815.67,701.172 v 259.273 h 39.55 v -39.304 c 10.09,18.386 19.41,30.515 27.96,36.379 8.54,5.859 17.94,8.789 28.2,8.789 14.8,0 29.86,-4.719 45.16,-14.161 l -15.13,-40.773 c -10.75,6.348 -21.49,9.523 -32.23,9.523 -9.61,0 -18.23,-2.89 -25.88,-8.664 -7.66,-5.781 -13.1,-13.796 -16.36,-24.05 -4.88,-15.625 -7.32,-32.715 -7.32,-51.274 V 701.172 h -43.95"
id="path128" /><path
d="m 5148.19,831.297 c -15.95,-6.516 -39.88,-12.051 -71.77,-16.602 -18.07,-2.605 -30.85,-5.539 -38.33,-8.789 -7.49,-3.261 -13.28,-8.015 -17.34,-14.289 -4.07,-6.258 -6.1,-13.219 -6.1,-20.867 0,-11.719 4.43,-21.484 13.3,-29.297 8.88,-7.812 21.85,-11.719 38.94,-11.719 16.93,0 31.99,3.704 45.17,11.106 13.18,7.41 22.86,17.539 29.05,30.398 4.72,9.922 7.08,24.571 7.08,43.946 z m 3.67,-98.145 c -16.28,-13.836 -31.95,-23.601 -47,-29.297 -15.06,-5.695 -31.22,-8.542 -48.46,-8.542 -28.49,0 -50.38,6.953 -65.68,20.878 -15.3,13.907 -22.95,31.688 -22.95,53.336 0,12.7 2.89,24.297 8.68,34.789 5.77,10.504 13.34,18.922 22.69,25.274 9.37,6.348 19.9,11.14 31.62,14.402 8.62,2.278 21.64,4.473 39.06,6.594 35.48,4.227 61.61,9.273 78.37,15.137 0.16,6.023 0.25,9.843 0.25,11.472 0,17.903 -4.15,30.52 -12.45,37.84 -11.23,9.934 -27.92,14.895 -50.05,14.895 -20.68,0 -35.93,-3.621 -45.78,-10.86 -9.85,-7.246 -17.13,-20.066 -21.85,-38.457 l -42.97,5.86 c 3.91,18.386 10.33,33.242 19.29,44.55 8.94,11.309 21.88,20.02 38.82,26.133 16.92,6.094 36.53,9.153 58.84,9.153 22.12,0 40.11,-2.61 53.95,-7.817 13.83,-5.203 24,-11.765 30.52,-19.656 6.5,-7.891 11.06,-17.859 13.67,-29.902 1.46,-7.493 2.2,-20.996 2.2,-40.528 v -58.593 c 0,-40.86 0.93,-66.692 2.8,-77.508 1.87,-10.832 5.58,-21.211 11.11,-31.133 h -45.9 c -4.56,9.109 -7.49,19.773 -8.78,31.98"
id="path130" /><path
d="m 5260.74,701.172 v 259.273 h 39.31 V 924.07 c 8.13,12.696 18.95,22.91 32.47,30.645 13.51,7.726 28.89,11.594 46.14,11.594 19.2,0 34.95,-3.996 47.25,-11.965 12.28,-7.981 20.95,-19.121 25.99,-33.446 20.51,30.274 47.2,45.411 80.08,45.411 25.72,0 45.49,-7.121 59.33,-21.36 13.83,-14.25 20.75,-36.179 20.75,-65.801 V 701.172 h -43.7 V 864.5 c 0,17.578 -1.43,30.234 -4.27,37.969 -2.85,7.722 -8.03,13.945 -15.51,18.672 -7.49,4.718 -16.28,7.082 -26.36,7.082 -18.24,0 -33.37,-6.067 -45.41,-18.196 -12.05,-12.129 -18.07,-31.535 -18.07,-58.222 V 701.172 h -43.95 v 168.457 c 0,19.527 -3.58,34.18 -10.74,43.941 -7.17,9.77 -18.88,14.653 -35.15,14.653 -12.38,0 -23.81,-3.254 -34.3,-9.77 -10.51,-6.512 -18.12,-16.031 -22.83,-28.562 -4.73,-12.539 -7.08,-30.606 -7.08,-54.2 V 701.172 h -43.95"
id="path132" /><path
d="m 5677.25,701.172 v 259.273 h 39.3 V 924.07 c 8.14,12.696 18.96,22.91 32.47,30.645 13.51,7.726 28.89,11.594 46.15,11.594 19.2,0 34.95,-3.996 47.24,-11.965 12.29,-7.981 20.95,-19.121 26,-33.446 20.51,30.274 47.2,45.411 80.08,45.411 25.71,0 45.48,-7.121 59.32,-21.36 13.83,-14.25 20.75,-36.179 20.75,-65.801 V 701.172 h -43.7 V 864.5 c 0,17.578 -1.42,30.234 -4.26,37.969 -2.86,7.722 -8.03,13.945 -15.51,18.672 -7.49,4.718 -16.28,7.082 -26.37,7.082 -18.23,0 -33.37,-6.067 -45.41,-18.196 -12.05,-12.129 -18.07,-31.535 -18.07,-58.222 V 701.172 h -43.94 v 168.457 c 0,19.527 -3.59,34.18 -10.74,43.941 -7.17,9.77 -18.89,14.653 -35.16,14.653 -12.37,0 -23.81,-3.254 -34.3,-9.77 -10.5,-6.512 -18.11,-16.031 -22.83,-28.562 -4.73,-12.539 -7.08,-30.606 -7.08,-54.2 V 701.172 h -43.94"
id="path134" /><path
d="m 6126.95,855.711 h 144.78 c -1.95,21.809 -7.49,38.164 -16.6,49.07 -14.01,16.926 -32.15,25.395 -54.45,25.395 -20.18,0 -37.14,-6.758 -50.9,-20.266 -13.75,-13.515 -21.36,-31.582 -22.83,-54.199 z m 144.29,-71.043 45.41,-5.617 c -7.17,-26.531 -20.43,-47.117 -39.79,-61.77 -19.38,-14.644 -44.12,-21.968 -74.22,-21.968 -37.93,0 -68,11.675 -90.21,35.039 -22.22,23.347 -33.33,56.101 -33.33,98.257 0,43.625 11.23,77.473 33.69,101.567 22.46,24.09 51.59,36.133 87.41,36.133 34.66,0 62.98,-11.809 84.96,-35.403 21.97,-23.601 32.96,-56.804 32.96,-99.609 0,-2.606 -0.09,-6.516 -0.25,-11.719 h -193.36 c 1.62,-28.484 9.68,-50.293 24.17,-65.43 14.48,-15.136 32.55,-22.707 54.2,-22.707 16.11,0 29.86,4.231 41.26,12.7 11.39,8.457 20.42,21.968 27.1,40.527"
id="path136" /><path
d="m 1396.97,270.809 c 0,-33.2 7.24,-58.071 21.73,-74.579 14.48,-16.519 32.72,-24.789 54.69,-24.789 21.81,0 39.95,8.297 54.44,24.911 14.48,16.597 21.73,41.898 21.73,75.918 0,32.062 -7.28,56.359 -21.85,72.878 -14.57,16.524 -32.68,24.782 -54.32,24.782 -21.97,0 -40.21,-8.219 -54.69,-24.66 -14.49,-16.438 -21.73,-41.258 -21.73,-74.461 z m -45.16,0 c 0,48.011 13.34,83.57 40.04,106.691 22.29,19.199 49.47,28.809 81.54,28.809 35.64,0 64.77,-11.68 87.4,-35.039 22.62,-23.348 33.94,-55.629 33.94,-96.801 0,-33.367 -5.01,-59.61 -15.01,-78.731 -10.02,-19.129 -24.58,-33.976 -43.71,-44.558 -19.13,-10.578 -40,-15.871 -62.62,-15.871 -36.3,0 -65.64,11.632 -88.01,34.91 -22.38,23.269 -33.57,56.801 -33.57,100.59"
id="path138" /><path
d="M 1656.74,141.172 V 366.27 h -38.82 v 34.179 h 38.82 v 27.59 c 0,17.41 1.54,30.352 4.64,38.813 4.23,11.386 11.68,20.628 22.33,27.718 10.67,7.071 25.6,10.61 44.81,10.61 12.36,0 26.03,-1.461 41.01,-4.391 l -6.59,-38.328 c -9.12,1.621 -17.74,2.437 -25.88,2.437 -13.35,0 -22.79,-2.847 -28.32,-8.539 -5.54,-5.711 -8.3,-16.359 -8.3,-31.988 v -23.922 h 50.54 V 366.27 h -50.54 V 141.172 h -43.7"
id="path140" /><path
d="m 2020.02,180.48 6.35,-38.82 c -12.38,-2.601 -23.44,-3.91 -33.21,-3.91 -15.95,0 -28.32,2.531 -37.11,7.57 -8.78,5.039 -14.98,11.68 -18.55,19.891 -3.58,8.23 -5.37,25.519 -5.37,51.891 V 366.27 h -32.23 v 34.179 h 32.23 v 64.211 l 43.7,26.36 v -90.571 h 44.19 V 366.27 h -44.19 V 214.66 c 0,-12.539 0.77,-20.601 2.31,-24.172 1.56,-3.59 4.08,-6.437 7.58,-8.547 3.5,-2.121 8.5,-3.171 15.01,-3.171 4.89,0 11.31,0.562 19.29,1.71"
id="path142" /><path
d="m 2062.99,141.172 v 357.91 h 43.94 V 370.66 c 20.51,23.762 46.39,35.649 77.64,35.649 19.2,0 35.89,-3.789 50.05,-11.348 14.16,-7.582 24.3,-18.039 30.39,-31.379 6.11,-13.352 9.16,-32.711 9.16,-58.102 V 141.172 h -43.95 V 305.48 c 0,21.969 -4.76,37.961 -14.27,47.981 -9.53,10 -23,15.008 -40.41,15.008 -13.03,0 -25.28,-3.379 -36.74,-10.129 -11.49,-6.762 -19.66,-15.918 -24.54,-27.469 -4.88,-11.57 -7.33,-27.512 -7.33,-47.851 V 141.172 h -43.94"
id="path144" /><path
d="m 2374.27,295.711 h 144.77 c -1.95,21.809 -7.49,38.168 -16.6,49.07 -14,16.93 -32.15,25.391 -54.44,25.391 -20.19,0 -37.15,-6.75 -50.91,-20.262 -13.75,-13.519 -21.36,-31.582 -22.82,-54.199 z m 144.28,-71.039 45.41,-5.621 c -7.16,-26.531 -20.42,-47.121 -39.79,-61.77 -19.38,-14.652 -44.11,-21.972 -74.22,-21.972 -37.93,0 -68,11.679 -90.2,35.043 -22.23,23.347 -33.33,56.097 -33.33,98.257 0,43.61 11.23,77.473 33.69,101.563 22.46,24.09 51.59,36.137 87.4,36.137 34.67,0 62.99,-11.809 84.96,-35.399 21.97,-23.609 32.96,-56.808 32.96,-99.609 0,-2.61 -0.09,-6.52 -0.24,-11.723 h -193.36 c 1.62,-28.488 9.67,-50.289 24.17,-65.43 14.48,-15.136 32.54,-22.707 54.2,-22.707 16.11,0 29.86,4.231 41.26,12.7 11.38,8.461 20.42,21.968 27.09,40.531"
id="path146" /><path
d="m 2764.65,141.172 v 357.91 h 258.79 V 456.84 H 2812.01 V 347.219 h 198 V 305.23 h -198 V 183.41 h 219.73 v -42.238 h -267.09"
id="path148" /><path
d="m 3261.47,141.172 v 38.09 c -20.18,-29.301 -47.6,-43.953 -82.27,-43.953 -15.3,0 -29.58,2.929 -42.85,8.793 -13.26,5.859 -23.11,13.218 -29.53,22.089 -6.44,8.879 -10.96,19.739 -13.56,32.598 -1.8,8.621 -2.68,22.293 -2.68,41.012 v 160.648 h 43.94 V 256.648 c 0,-22.949 0.89,-38.418 2.69,-46.386 2.76,-11.563 8.62,-20.633 17.58,-27.211 8.94,-6.61 20.01,-9.903 33.2,-9.903 13.18,0 25.55,3.383 37.11,10.133 11.55,6.758 19.73,15.957 24.53,27.598 4.8,11.633 7.21,28.512 7.21,50.652 v 138.918 h 43.94 V 141.172 h -39.31"
id="path150" /><path
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$input-prefix-border: 1px solid $medium-gray;
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$form-label-color: $black;
$form-label-font-size: rem-calc(14);
$form-label-font-weight: $global-weight-normal;
$form-label-line-height: 1.8;
$select-background: $white;
$select-triangle-color: $primary-color;
$select-triangle-color: $dark-gray;
$select-radius: $global-radius;
$input-color: $primary-color;
$input-placeholder-color: scale-color($primary-color, $lightness: 60%);
$input-color: $black;
$input-placeholder-color: $medium-gray;
$input-font-family: inherit;
$input-font-size: rem-calc(16);
$input-font-weight: $global-weight-normal;
$input-line-height: $global-lineheight;
$input-background: scale-color($primary-color, $lightness: 95%);
$input-background-focus: scale-color($primary-color, $lightness: 85%);
$input-background: $white;
$input-background-focus: $white;
$input-background-disabled: $light-gray;
$input-border: none; //1px solid $medium-gray;
$input-border-focus: none; // 1px solid $dark-gray;
$input-border: 1px solid $medium-gray;
$input-border-focus: 1px solid $dark-gray;
$input-padding: $form-spacing / 2;
$input-shadow: none; //inset 0 1px 2px rgba($black, 0.1);
$input-shadow-focus: none; //0 0 5px $medium-gray;
$input-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba($black, 0.1);
$input-shadow-focus: 0 0 5px $medium-gray;
$input-cursor-disabled: not-allowed;
$input-transition: none; //box-shadow 0.5s, border-color 0.25s ease-in-out;
$input-transition: box-shadow 0.5s, border-color 0.25s ease-in-out;
$input-number-spinners: true;
$input-radius: $global-radius;
$form-button-radius: $global-radius;
@ -511,16 +442,13 @@ $menu-margin: 0;
$menu-nested-margin: $global-menu-nested-margin;
$menu-items-padding: $global-menu-padding;
$menu-simple-margin: 1rem;
$menu-item-color: $black;
$menu-item-color-active: $anchor-color;
$menu-item-color-alt-active: $black;
$menu-item-background-active: $white;
$menu-item-color-active: $white;
$menu-item-background-active: get-color(primary);
$menu-icon-spacing: 0.25rem;
$menu-state-back-compat: true;
$menu-centered-back-compat: true;
$menu-icons-back-compat: true;
$menu-anchor-color: $black;
$menu-anchor-color-hover: $anchor-color;
// 24. Meter
// ---------
@ -586,8 +514,6 @@ $pagination-ellipsis-color: $black;
$pagination-mobile-items: false;
$pagination-mobile-current-item: false;
$pagination-arrows: true;
$pagination-arrow-previous: '\00AB';
$pagination-arrow-next: '\00BB';
// 28. Progress Bar
// ----------------
@ -764,10 +690,8 @@ $prototype-text-overflow: ellipsis;
$responsive-embed-margin-bottom: rem-calc(16);
$responsive-embed-ratios: (
default: 16 by 9,
standard: 4 by 3,
default: 4 by 3,
widescreen: 16 by 9,
classicfilm: 3 by 2,
// 47. Reveal
@ -811,30 +735,28 @@ $switch-paddle-background: $white;
$switch-paddle-offset: 0.25rem;
$switch-paddle-radius: $global-radius;
$switch-paddle-transition: all 0.25s ease-out;
$switch-opacity-disabled: .5;
$switch-cursor-disabled: not-allowed;
// 50. Table
// ---------
$table-background: $white;
$table-color-scale: 5%;
$table-border: none;//1px solid smart-scale($table-background, $table-color-scale);
$table-padding: $global-padding*1.5 0;//rem-calc(8 10 10);
$table-border: 1px solid smart-scale($table-background, $table-color-scale);
$table-padding: rem-calc(8 10 10);
$table-hover-scale: 2%;
$table-row-hover: darken($table-background, $table-hover-scale);
$table-row-stripe-hover: darken($table-background, $table-color-scale + $table-hover-scale);
$table-is-striped: false;//true;
$table-is-striped: true;
$table-striped-background: smart-scale($table-background, $table-color-scale);
$table-stripe: even;
$table-head-background: $white;//smart-scale($table-background, $table-color-scale / 2);
$table-head-background: smart-scale($table-background, $table-color-scale / 2);
$table-head-row-hover: darken($table-head-background, $table-hover-scale);
$table-foot-background: smart-scale($table-background, $table-color-scale);
$table-foot-row-hover: darken($table-foot-background, $table-hover-scale);
$table-head-font-color: $body-font-color;
$table-foot-font-color: $body-font-color;
$show-header-for-stacked: false;
$table-stack-breakpoint: small;
$table-stack-breakpoint: medium;
// 51. Tabs
// --------
@ -865,11 +787,11 @@ $thumbnail-radius: $global-radius;
// 53. Title Bar
// -------------
$titlebar-background: $white;
$titlebar-color: $black;
$titlebar-background: $black;
$titlebar-color: $white;
$titlebar-padding: 0.5rem;
$titlebar-text-font-weight: bold;
$titlebar-icon-color: $black;
$titlebar-icon-color: $white;
$titlebar-icon-color-hover: $medium-gray;
$titlebar-icon-spacing: 0.25rem;
@ -892,7 +814,7 @@ $tooltip-radius: $global-radius;
// -----------
$topbar-padding: 0.5rem;
$topbar-background: $white;
$topbar-background: $light-gray;
$topbar-submenu-background: $topbar-background;
$topbar-title-spacing: 0.5rem 1rem 0.5rem 0;
$topbar-input-width: 200px;
@ -912,3 +834,4 @@ $grid-padding-gutters: $grid-margin-gutters;
$grid-container-padding: $grid-padding-gutters;
$grid-container-max: $global-width;
$xy-block-grid-max: 8;

View file

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
.accordion-item {
border-bottom: $global-border-archive;
&:first-of-type {
max-height: 5rem;
max-height: 5rem;
a {
color: black;
color: black;
cursor: not-allowed;
.accordion-title {
ul,ol {
list-style: none;
@include xy-grid;
li {
@include xy-cell(3);

View file

@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
button {
@extend .button;
button,.button {
padding: $global-padding*0.5 $global-padding*1.5;
padding: $global-padding*0.3 $global-padding*1.1;
&.primary {
color: $white;
&.success {
border-color: $success-color;
&.alert {
border-color: $alert-color;
color: $white;
&.secondary {
border-color: $secondary-color;
&.inactive {
color: $light-gray;
border-color: $light-gray;
cursor: not-allowed ;
&:hover {
background-color: unset;
.hero {
button,.button {
min-width: 20vw;
padding: $global-padding*0.3 $global-padding*2;
color: $button-color-alt;
font-size: $global-font-size*1.3;
border-color: $button-color-alt;
border-radius: $global-radius-archive*2;
color: $anchor-color;
border-color: $anchor-color;
.search {
.button {
border-color: $primary-color;
min-width: unset;
background-color: $primary-color;
color: $white;
border: none;
.end_of_page_button {
@extend .button.small;
display: flex;
margin: $global-margin auto;
padding: $global-padding*0.5 $global-padding*5;

View file

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
.card {
padding: $global-padding;
.collection-card {
ul {
&.arc-site-meta {
list-style: none;
margin: $global-margin 0;
li {
display: inline-block;
width: rem-calc(150);
min-height: rem-calc($global-lineheight);
&.artist:before {
&.date:before {
content: 'Year';
&.collection:before {
content: 'Collection';
&.tech-document-link:before {
//content: 'Keywords';
width: 0;
&.tech-document-link {
a {
@include button;
padding: $global-padding*0.5 $global-padding*1.5;
margin-left: 0;
font-size: $small-font-size;

View file

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
.dotted {
border-style: dashed;
margin: 2rem 0;

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
.featured-hero {
background-size: cover;
background-position: center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
height: rem-calc(100);
@include breakpoint(medium) {
height: rem-calc(200);
@include breakpoint(xlarge) {
height: rem-calc(400);

View file

@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
// search elements
.input-group {
position: relative;
border-radius: 4rem;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
.appear {
right: 0;
position: absolute;
height: 100%;
padding: 0.3rem 1rem;
.input-group * {
margin: 0;
border-color: $primary-color;
border-color: $primary-color;
background-color: $input-background-focus;
border-color: $primary-color;
background-color: $input-background;
&:not(:placeholder-shown) {
background-color: $input-background-focus;
position: relative;
padding-right: $global-padding * 9;
+ .appear {
display: block;
background-color: scale-color($input-background-focus, $lightness: -20%);
z-index: 2;
&:hover {
color: $white;
background-color: $primary-color;
.hollow {
border-color: $primary-color;
color: $primary-color;
&::after {
&::placeholder {
color: scale-color($primary-color, $lightness: -20%);
&:hover {
background-color: scale-color($primary-color, $lightness: 95%);
&:active {
background-color: scale-color($primary-color, $lightness: 85%);
//search block size in content
article,.omekas-entry-content {
@include xy-grid();
.input-group {
@include breakpoint(small){
@include xy-cell (12);
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
@include breakpoint(medium){
@include xy-cell (6);
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
@include breakpoint(large){
@include xy-cell (4);
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// Apply outline styles only when input method is keyboard
// remove :focus style via What Input using progressive enhancement
// so :focus isn't left broken if JavaScript fails
[data-whatinput="mouse"] a:focus, button:focus
[data-whatinput="touch"] a:focus, button:focus {
outline: none;

View file

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
dl {
.property {
dt {
width: 14rem;
max-width: 14rem;

View file

@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
table {
tbody .table-expand-row{
border-top: $global-border-archive;
th {
color: $mid-grey;
th,td {
font-weight: normal;
padding: $global-padding*1.5;
line-height: 1.6;
// --
// table expand
.table-expand {
// margin-top: 5rem;
td {
// color: $dark-gray;
tr {
// border: 1px solid $light-gray;
.text-right {
// padding-right: 3rem;
.table-expand-row {
&.is-active {
.expand-icon::after {
content: '-';
.expand-icon::after {
content: '+';
float: right;
// this is where the magic happens
.table-expand-row-content {
display: none;
.table-expand-row-content {
&.is-active {
display: table-row;
animation: fadeIn ease-in 1;
animation-fill-mode: both;
animation-duration: 0.5s;
.table-expand-row-nested {
column-span: 3;
// background-color: $light-gray;
&:first-child {
column-span: 1;
@keyframes fadeIn {
from {
opacity: 0;
to {
opacity: 1;
// end table expand
// --

View file

@ -1,133 +1,6 @@
//begin omekas styles
//@charset 'utf-8';
//@import 'global/globals-default';
//@import 'global/colors';
//@import 'global/typography';
//@import 'settings';
//@import 'foundation-core';
//@import 'omeka';
// end omekas styles
// -----------------
@charset 'utf-8';
// foundation styles
@import 'globals-default';
@import 'settings';
@import 'foundation';
@import 'motion-ui';
// Global styles
@include foundation-global-styles;
@include foundation-forms;
@include foundation-typography;
// Grids (choose one)
@include foundation-xy-grid-classes;
// @include foundation-grid;
// @include foundation-flex-grid;
// Generic components
@include foundation-button;
@include foundation-button-group;
@include foundation-close-button;
@include foundation-label;
//@include foundation-progress-bar;
//@include foundation-slider;
//@include foundation-switch;
@include foundation-table;
// Basic components
//@include foundation-badge;
@include foundation-breadcrumbs;
@include foundation-callout;
@include foundation-card;
@include foundation-dropdown;
@include foundation-pagination;
@include foundation-tooltip;
// Containers
@include foundation-accordion;
@include foundation-media-object;
//@include foundation-orbit;
@include foundation-responsive-embed;
@include foundation-tabs;
@include foundation-thumbnail;
// Menu-based containers
@include foundation-menu;
@include foundation-menu-icon;
@include foundation-accordion-menu;
@include foundation-drilldown-menu;
@include foundation-dropdown-menu;
// Layout components
@include foundation-off-canvas;
@include foundation-reveal;
@include foundation-sticky;
@include foundation-title-bar;
@include foundation-top-bar;
// Helpers
@include foundation-float-classes;
@include foundation-flex-classes;
@include foundation-visibility-classes;
// @include foundation-prototype-classes;
// Motion UI
@include motion-ui-transitions;
@include motion-ui-animations;
// arcHIVE styles
// global project styles
@import "global/print-pdf";
@import "global/wp-overrides"; //errors
@import "global/wp-admin"; //errors
@import "global/typography";
@import "global/gutenberg";
@import "global/colors";
@import "global/branding";
@import "global/accessibility";
@import "global/omeka";
// Modules
@import "modules/navigation";
@import "modules/header";
@import "modules/footer";
//@import "modules/editor-syle";
@import "modules/content";
// Componentes
@import "components/links";
@import "components/featured-image";
@import "components/forms";
@import "components/dividers";
@import "components/cards";
@import "components/buttons";
@import "components/accordion";
@import "components/tables";
@import "components/lists";
// Templates
//@import "templates/front";
// Vendors
// fontawesome as shown here:
// 1. install fortawesome
// npm install --save-dev @fortawesome/fontawesome-free
// 2. uncomment these lines
//@import "../../../node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome";
//@import "../../../node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/brands";
//@import "../../../node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/regular";
//@import "../../../node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/solid";
//@import "../../../node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/v4-shims";
// 3. add this to gulp
// gulp.task('icons', function() {
// return gulp.src('node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/webfonts/*')
// .pipe(gulp.dest(dist+'/assets/webfonts/'));
// });
@import 'foundation-core';
@import 'omeka';

View file

@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
* Gutenberg Editor Styles
/** === Includes === */
@charset 'utf-8';
@import 'settings';
@import 'foundation';
@include foundation-typography;
@include foundation-button;
@include foundation-table;
/** === Content Width === */
.wp-block {
width: calc(100vw - (2 * 10));
@each $breakpoint, $size in $grid-margin-gutters {
@include breakpoint($breakpoint) {
width: calc(100vw - ($size));
/** === Base Typography === */
body {
font-size: $global-font-size;
font-family: $body-font-family;
color: $body-font-color;
/** === Post Title === */
.editor-post-title__block .editor-post-title__input{
@extend h1;
/** === Button === */
.wp-block-button {
// add general foundation button styling to button in editor
.wp-block-button__link {
@extend .button;
// add special styling for squared buttons
&.is-style-squared .wp-block-button__link {
border-radius: 0;
// add outline styles
&.is-style-outline .wp-block-button__link{
@extend .hollow;
// set transparent background to block for outline button
&.is-style-outline:active {
background: transparent;
/** === File === */
@include button();
/** === Pullquote === */
padding: rem-calc(20px 30px);
/** === Table === */
.wp-block-table td{
border: none;
/** === Latest Posts grid view === */{
list-style: none;

View file

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
// Text meant only for screen readers. Addresses part of theme-check issue #840.
.screen-reader-text {
clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);
position: absolute !important;
height: 1px;
width: 1px;
overflow: hidden;
.screen-reader-text:focus {
background-color: #f1f1f1;
border-radius: 3px;
box-shadow: 0 0 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
clip: auto !important;
color: #21759b;
display: block;
font-size: 14px;
font-size: 0.875rem;
font-weight: bold;
height: auto;
left: 5px;
line-height: normal;
padding: 15px 23px 14px;
text-decoration: none;
top: 5px;
width: auto;
z-index: 100000; // Above WP toolbar.

View file

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
.brand-logo,.site-brand {
.site-name,.site-description {
display: none;
&::before {
content: '';
width: 100%;
height: $global-padding*5;
background-size: contain;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center;
.logo {
@include breakpoint(small){
max-width: 6rem;
margin-top: -3rem; //half of .logo size
@include breakpoint(medium){
max-width: 10rem;
margin-top: -5rem; //half of .logo size
&::before {
max-width: 10rem;
background-image: url('../img/ARC-HIVE-logo.svg');
&::before {
background-image: url('../img/eu_flag_creative_europe_co_funded_left.svg');
//background-image: url('../img/rechts_co-funded-by-the-creative-europe-media-programme-of-the-european-union-flag.png');

View file

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
$stone-grey: #CCCCCC;
$acid-green: #69E344;
$bubblegum-pink: #F096F9;
$desert-red: #D75930;
$mustard-yellow: #F5C042;
$beach-blue: #5CC8D1;
$hyperlink-blue: #0000DD;
$bloody-red: #D32D1F;
$mid-grey: #808080;
$antracite-grey: #333333;
$forest-green: #1E6041;
$raspberry-purple: #54367B;

View file

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
@import "util/util";
//$global-font-size: 100%;
//$global-width: rem-calc(1200);
//$global-lineheight: 1.5;
//$foundation-palette: (
// primary: #1779ba,
// secondary: #767676,
// success: #3adb76,
// warning: #ffae00,
// alert: #cc4b37,
//$light-gray: #e6e6e6;
//$medium-gray: #cacaca;
//$dark-gray: #8a8a8a;
//$black: #0a0a0a;
//$white: #fefefe;
//$body-background: $white;
//$body-font-color: $black;
//$body-font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif;
//$body-antialiased: true;
//$global-margin: 1rem;
//$global-padding: 1rem;
//$global-position: 1rem;
//$global-weight-normal: normal;
//$global-weight-bold: bold;
//$global-radius: 0;
//$global-menu-padding: 0.7rem 1rem;
//$global-menu-nested-margin: 1rem;
//$global-text-direction: ltr;
//$global-flexbox: true;
//$global-prototype-breakpoints: false;
//$global-button-cursor: auto;
//$global-color-pick-contrast-tolerance: 0;
//$print-transparent-backgrounds: true;
// 0. arcHIVE specific styles
// ---------
// global project styles
//@import "colors";
//@import "typography";

View file

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
Frontend styles for gutenberg blocks
/** === Base Color Palatte === */
@each $color, $code in $foundation-palette {
.has-#{$color}-background-color {
background-color: $code;
.has-#{$color}-color {
color: $code;
/** === Button === */
.wp-block-button {
// add general foundation button styling
.wp-block-button__link {
@extend .button;
@each $color, $code in $foundation-palette {
&.has-#{$color}-background-color {
background-color: $code;
&.has-#{$color}-color {
color: $code;
// add special styling for squared buttons
&.is-style-squared .wp-block-button__link {
border-radius: 0;
// add outline styles
&.is-style-outline .wp-block-button__link{
@extend .hollow;
// set transparent background to block for outline button
&.is-style-outline:active {
// background: transparent;
// background: transparent;
/** === File === */
.wp-block-file .wp-block-file__button{
@include button();

View file

@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
// Omeka Styles
// -----------------------------
// Table of Contents:
// #. Global Styles
// #. Header
// #. Resource Browse
// #. Advanced Search
// #. Page
// #. Blocks
// #. Global Styles
// ------------------
#user-bar {
width: 100%;
// line breaks generated by omekas
.break {
width: 100%;
margin: (2 * $global-margin) 0;
clear: both;
.break.opaque {
border-top: 1px solid $body-background;
.break.transparent {
border-top: none;
// vertical spacing for bloc elements
.archive-item-block {
margin-bottom: $global-margin * 1;
/* Styles for vertical menu layout */
// #. Header
// ------------------
// #. Footer
// ------------------
// #. Resource Browse
// ------------------
.browse-control-mobile {
display: none;
@include breakpoint(small down) {
display: inline-block;
.browse-controls {
@include xy-grid;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
@include breakpoint(small down) {
display: none;
&.open {
display: flex;
align-items: stretch;
&.closed {
display: none;
.button-group {
margin-bottom: 0;
font-size: $global-font-size * 0.9;
padding: $global-padding*0.7 $global-padding*1.7;
.omeka-pagination {
@include breakpoint(medium) {
@include xy-cell();
.omeka-pagination form {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
.omeka-pagination .button-group {
flex-wrap: nowrap;
flex-grow: 0;
.sorting {
display: flex;
.sorting select {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
margin-bottom: 0;
.sorting {
display: flex;
button,.button {
padding: 0 $global-padding*1.4;
font-size: $global-font-size * 0.85;
margin: 0 $global-margin;
select {
margin-bottom: 0;
// #. Resource Show
// ------------------
// #. Advanced search
// ------------------
// hide search form in results view on top of title
.sitewide-search-form {
// #. Page
// ------------------
// -- Search
// -- Modules
.media-list {
width: 100%;
.resource-link {
width: auto;
> * {
float: left;
clear: both;
.blocks {
.pannemmul-wrap {
margin: $global-margin 0;

View file

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
@media print {

View file

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
@font-face {
font-family: 'worksans-medium';
src: url('../fonts/WorkSans-Medium.woff') format('woff');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
@font-face {
font-family: 'worksans-mediumitalic';
src: url('../fonts/WorkSans-MediumItalic.woff') format('woff');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: italic;
@mixin font-worksans-medium {
font-face: worksans-medium, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", "Roboto", "Oxygen", "Ubuntu", "Cantarell", "Fira Sans", "Droid Sans", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif;
font-weight: normal;
@mixin font-worksans-mediumitalic {
font-face: worksans-mediumitalic, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", "Roboto", "Oxygen", "Ubuntu", "Cantarell", "Fira Sans", "Droid Sans", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif;
font-weight: normal;

View file

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
// Fix the issue where the WP admin-bar overlaps the mobile menu
#wpadminbar {
position: fixed !important;
// Make sure that the WP admin-bar does not overlap Foundation components
body.admin-bar {
// Offset sticky top bar
&.f-topbar-fixed {
.sticky.fixed {
margin-top: rem-calc(32);
// Offset mobile off-canvas menu
&.offcanvas { {
top: rem-calc(46);
@include breakpoint(small) {
top: rem-calc(32);

View file

@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
//.wp-caption > figcaption {
// max-width: 100%;
// font-size: 0.8rem;
// color: #999;
// padding: 0.25rem 0;
// font-size:90%;
// color: #666;
// padding:rem-calc(10) 0;
//.alignleft {
// float: left;
// padding-right: 1rem;
// margin: 0;
//.alignright {
// float: right;
// padding-left: 1rem;
// margin: 0;
//.aligncenter {
// display: block;
// margin-left: auto;
// margin-right: auto;
//.gallery {
// @include xy-grid;
// @include xy-gutters($negative: true);
// @for $i from 1 through 9 {
// &.gallery-columns-#{$i} {
// @include xy-grid-layout(2, '.gallery-item', true);
// }
// @include breakpoint(medium){
// &.gallery-columns-#{$i} {
// @include xy-grid-layout(4, '.gallery-item', true, (small: 30px));
// }
// }
// @include breakpoint(large) {
// &.gallery-columns-#{$i} {
// @include xy-grid-layout($i, '.gallery-item', true, (small: 30px));
// }
// }
// }
// .gallery-icon > a {
// @include thumbnail;
// @include thumbnail-link;
// }
// .gallery-icon > img {
// @include thumbnail;
// }

asset/scss/inkwell.scss Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
@charset 'utf-8';
@import 'globals-default';
@import 'globals-inkwell';
@import 'settings';
// Sea Foam Settings
$topbar-background: transparent;
$header-font-family: "Playfair Display", serif;
$thumbnail-shadow-hover: 0 0 6px 1px rgba($primary-color, 0.5);
$button-color: $black;
@import 'foundation-core';
@import 'omeka';
body {
font-weight: 500;
header {
border-top: $global-padding solid $primary-color;
header a {
color: $black;
header .button {
border: 1px solid #000;
margin-left: -1px;
header .input-group-field {
border: 1px solid #000;
box-shadow: none;
.breadcrumbs a {
color: $black;
body.vertical-menu header a {
color: #000;
text-decoration: underline;
.label {
color: $black;

View file

@ -1,496 +0,0 @@
// general styles
// mods on fonts and typography
// not in foundation variables
// -----------------------------
header nav {
a {
color: $body-font-color;
/* */
a[href$=".pdf"]:after {
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
display: inline-block;
font-style: normal;
font-variant: normal;
text-rendering: auto;
line-height: 1;
font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Free';
font-weight: 900;
margin-left: .5rem;
content: "\f1c1";
a {
color: $body-font-color;
&:hover {
p {
color: $anchor-color;
// main block
main {
article {
@include xy-grid;
header {
@include xy-cell(12);
.entry-title {
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
section {
padding: $global-padding $global-padding*2;
.entry-content,.omekas-entry-content {
@include breakpoint(small){
@include xy-cell(12);
padding: $global-padding*2 ;
margin:0 auto;
@include breakpoint(medium){
@include xy-cell(12);
padding: $global-padding*2 $global-padding*3;
max-width: 50rem;
margin:0 auto;
@include breakpoint(xlarge){
@include xy-cell(12);
max-width: 50rem;
padding: $global-padding*2 $global-padding*3;
font-size: $global-font-size*1.2;
margin: 0 auto;
// .index max-width
.index {
.entry-content,.omekas-entry-content {
@include breakpoint(small){
@include breakpoint(medium){
max-width: unset;
@include breakpoint(xlarge){
max-width: unset;
@include breakpoint(xxlarge){
max-width: 60 rem;
// .contain selector for max-width
.contain-width {
.entry-content,.omekas-entry-content {
@include breakpoint(small){
@include breakpoint(medium){
max-width: 50rem;
@include breakpoint(xlarge){
// max-width: 50rem;
// news category
.news,.news-category {
@include xy-grid;
header,main,aside {
@include breakpoint(small){
padding-top: 0;
@include xy-cell(12);
@include flex;
@include flex-align(center,top);
padding-top: $global-padding*3;
h3 {
line-height: $global-lineheight/1.5;
main {
//@include xy-cell(12);
@include xy-grid;
@include card-container();
@include breakpoint(small){
@include xy-cell(12);
@include breakpoint(medium){
@include xy-cell(6);
@include breakpoint(large){
@include xy-cell(4);
figure {
@include breakpoint(small){
@include xy-cell(12);
height: 58vw;
max-width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
background-position: center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: cover;
@include breakpoint(medium){
height: 28vw;
@include breakpoint(large){
height: 20vw;
.date {
// height: 1rem;
padding-top: $global-padding*2;
.entry-title {
padding-top: $global-padding*2;
line-height: 0.7;
font-size: $global-font-size*1.5;
aside {
@include breakpoint(small){
padding-bottom: $global-padding*3;
@include breakpoint(medium){
padding-bottom: 0;
// end news category
// collections category
.collections-list {
@include xy-grid;
@include xy-cell(12);
@include flex;
@include flex-align(center,top);
header {
display: none;
// margin-top: 2*$global-margin;
// border-top: 1px solid $body-font-color;
// padding: $global-padding*2 0;
main {
@include xy-grid;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
article {
@include breakpoint(small){
@include card-container();
@include xy-cell();
width: 100%;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
font-size: $global-font-size*0.7;
@include breakpoint(medium){
font-size: $global-font-size*1;
@include breakpoint(large){
.load_more {
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
.accordion-content {
padding-top: 0;
section {
@include xy-grid;
padding-top: 0;
padding-bottom: 0;
@include breakpoint(small){
figure {
@include xy-cell(12);
p {
@include xy-cell(12);
position: relative;
padding: $global-padding;
padding-bottom: $global-padding * 3;
.button {
margin-top: $global-padding * 3;
@include breakpoint(medium){
figure {
@include xy-cell(3);
margin-left: 0;
p {
@include xy-cell(9);
@include breakpoint(large){
// end collections category
// partners
// for big announcemnts
.partners {
.entry-content {
max-width: unset;
p {
padding-left: 30vw;
padding-bottom: 2rem;
margin-bottom: 2rem;
&:after {
content: '';
display: inline-block;
border-bottom: 1px solid $body-font-color;
width: 100vw;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
padding-top: 2rem;
.alignleft {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
.wp-block-image {
margin: 0;
// hero
// for big announcemnts
.hero {
border-top: 2px solid $primary-color;
.slides {
@include xy-grid();
.slide {
@include xy-grid;
@include breakpoint(small){
width: 100vw;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
justify-content: center;
color: $white;
.textwidget {
@include breakpoint(medium){
.textwidget {
max-width: 50rem;
padding: $global-padding * 2;
font-size: $global-font-size*1.3;
@include breakpoint(large){
width: 50%;
height: calc((50vw*9)/16);
//padding: 0;
//margin: 0;
a {
@include flex;
@include flex-align (center,middle);
img {
// max-width: unset !important;
height: 100% !important;
.textwidget {
font-size: $global-font-size*1.2;
padding: $global-padding * 2;
@include breakpoint(xlarge){
.textwidget {
font-size: $global-font-size*1.3;
padding: $global-padding*3;
@include breakpoint(xxlarge){
.textwidget {
font-size: $global-font-size*1.6;
padding: $global-padding*3;
&:first-child {
background-color: $primary-color;
.logo {
@include breakpoint(medium){
max-width: 80%;
aside {
@include xy-grid();
background-color: $secondary-color;
nav {
@include xy-cell(auto);
@include flex;
@include flex-align(spaced,middle);
@include breakpoint(small) {
flex-direction: column;
min-height: unset;
padding: $global-padding;
.menu, .menu.horizontal {
justify-content: center;
@include breakpoint(large) {
flex-direction: row;
min-height: $global-padding * 6;
padding: $global-padding 0 ;
.menu, .menu.horizontal {
justify-content: unset;
a {
color: $body-font-color;
.button {
//hero secondary
&.secondary {
border-top: none;
background-color: $secondary-color;
figure {
background-color: unset;
&.omeka {
border-top: none;
max-height: unset;
@include breakpoint(small){
.slides {
background-color: $secondary-color;
.slide {
flex-direction: column;
align-content: center;
align-self: center;
margin: $global-margin auto;
&:first-child {
color: unset;
background-color: unset;
figure {
margin: 0 auto;
justify-content: center;
aside {
background-color: $white;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
h2 {
margin: $global-margin;
&.collections-all {
&.collection-single {
background-color: unset;
.slide {
margin:0 auto;
height: unset;
width: 100vw;
max-height: 10rem;
@include breakpoint(large){
height: unset;
img,.arc-page-header-img {
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: contain;
width: 100vw;
aside {
nav {
width: 100vw;
border-top: $global-border-archive;
border-bottom: $global-border-archive;
margin: 0;
//end hero

View file

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
height: auto; // Fix editor style bug
max-width: $grid-row-width; // Give the editor a max-width
padding: rem-calc(20) !important;

View file

@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
footer {
margin-top: $global-margin;
background-color: $secondary-color;
a {
color: $body-font-color;
&:hover {
color: $primary-color;
p,ul,ol,li {
margin: 0;
ul,ol {
list-style: none;
li {
padding-right: $global-padding;
.clear.clearfix {
width: 100%;
.logo {
.site-brand,.brand-logo {
&::before {
&.eu {
&::before {
@include breakpoint(small) {
background-position-x: right;
max-width: 50vw;
@include breakpoint(medium) {
background-position-x: left;
max-height: 4rem;
.copyright, .legal-credits {
font-size: $global-font-size*0.8;
.subsection {
@include breakpoint(small) {
@include xy-grid;
@include flex;
@include flex-align(left,bottom);
border-top: 1px solid black;
padding: $global-padding;
font-size: $global-font-size * 0.8;
&:first-child {
.co-founded {
@include breakpoint(medium) {
font-size: $global-font-size;
aside {
@include breakpoint(small) {
@include xy-cell(12);
@include breakpoint(medium) {
@include xy-cell(3);
&.double {
@include breakpoint(small) {
@include xy-cell(12);
@include breakpoint(medium) {
@include xy-cell(6);

View file

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
header {
@include xy-grid();
@include xy-gutters(0);
main {
@include breakpoint(small){
@include xy-cell(12);
@include flex-align(center, middle);
text-align: center;
@include breakpoint (medium) {
padding: $global-padding*2 $global-padding;
@include breakpoint(large){
@include xy-cell(shrink);
@include flex-align(left, middle);
// min-width: 14rem;
text-align: unset;
nav {
@include breakpoint(small) {
@include xy-cell(12);
@include flex;
@include flex-align(center, middle);
a, button {
color: $black;
&:hover {
color: $anchor-color;
menu {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
font-size: 0.8rem;
.menu {
justify-content: center;
a {
padding: $global-padding*0.7 $global-padding*0.5;
@include breakpoint(medium) {
menu {
font-size: $global-font-size*1.5;
@include breakpoint(large) {
@include xy-cell(auto);
@include flex;
@include flex-align(right, middle);
menu {
margin: inherit;
padding: inherit;

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// navigation scss
.top-bar {
width: 100%;
.top-bar-left {
justify-content: flex-start;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
@charset 'utf-8';
@import 'globals-default';
@import 'globals-revolution';
@import 'settings';
// Revolution Settings
$header-font-family: 'IM Fell English SC', serif;
$subheader-font-family: 'IM Fell DW Pica', serif;
$topbar-background: transparent;
$thumbnail-border: 4px solid transparent;
$thumbnail-shadow: 0 0 0 1px $gold;
$thumbnail-shadow-hover: 0 0 6px 1px rgba($gold, 0.5);
@import 'foundation-core';
@import 'omeka';
body {
background: url('../img/revolution-bg.jpg') repeat;
background-size: auto;
body:not(.vertical-menu) header {
border-top: ($global-padding) solid $primary-color;
.fieldset {
border-color: $gold;
.resource-list .resource {
border-bottom-color: $gold;
.description.fadeout:after {
background: transparent url('../img/revolution-fade.png') no-repeat;
background-size: cover;
background-position: right;
right: -1rem;
@include breakpoint(medium up) {
body.vertical-menu {
background-image: none;
body.vertical-menu #content,
body.vertical-menu footer {
background: transparent url('../img/revolution-bg.jpg') repeat;

asset/scss/seafoam.scss Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
@charset 'utf-8';
@import 'globals-default';
@import 'globals-seafoam';
@import 'settings';
// Sea Foam Settings
$topbar-background: $primary-color;
$thumbnail-border: 4px solid $secondary-color;
$thumbnail-shadow: none;
$thumbnail-shadow-hover: 0 0 6px 1px rgba($primary-color, 0.5);
$button-background: $secondary-color;
$button-color: $primary-color;
@import 'foundation-core';
@import 'omeka';
header a {
color: $white;

View file

@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
// Page header
.front-hero {
.marketing {
@include xy-grid-container(55rem);
@include xy-grid;
@include breakpoint(small) {
background: url('../images/demo/hero-bg-foundation-6-small.svg') bottom center;
background-size: cover;
background-position: bottom;
padding: rem-calc(65%) 0;
margin: 0 0 rem-calc(32);
height: auto;
position: relative;
text-align: left;
@include breakpoint(medium) {
background: url('../images/demo/hero-bg-foundation-6-large.svg') bottom center;
background-size: cover;
background-position: center;
height: rem-calc(685);
margin: 0 0 rem-calc(72);
.watch {
@include breakpoint(small) {
@include xy-cell(7);
@include breakpoint(medium) {
@include xy-cell(12);
a {
color: #B4C9D1;
cursor: pointer;
font-weight: 400;
margin-right: rem-calc(20);
a:hover {
color: #fff;
#stargazers {
:before {
content: "\f09b";
font-family: FontAwesome;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
text-decoration: inherit;
color: #B4C9D1;
margin-right: rem-calc(8);
#twitter {
:before {
content: "\f099";
font-family: FontAwesome;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
text-decoration: inherit;
color: #B4C9D1;
margin-right: rem-calc(8);
.tagline {
@include breakpoint(small) {
@include xy-cell(8);
@include breakpoint(medium) {
@include xy-cell(5);
padding-top: 6rem;
h1 {
color: #fff;
font-weight: 500;
@include breakpoint(small) {
font-size: 2.2rem;
@include breakpoint(medium) {
font-size: 2.875rem;
h4 {
color: #fefefe;
font-weight: 300;
font-size: 1.3125rem;
.download {
margin-top: rem-calc(20);
// Intro
.intro {
@include xy-grid-container;
@include xy-grid;
.fp-intro {
@include breakpoint(small) {
@include xy-cell(12);
@include breakpoint(medium) {
@include xy-cell(10);
@include xy-cell-offset(1);
h2 {
font-weight: 300;
margin-bottom: 1.5rem;
h4 {
font-size: 1.125rem;
line-height: 1.6;
color: #777;
margin-bottom: 2rem;
// Section divider
.section-divider {
@include xy-grid-container;
@include xy-grid;
hr {
@include xy-cell(12);
@extend .dotted;
box-sizing: border-box;
// Benefits
.benefits {
@include xy-grid-container;
@include xy-grid;
text-align: center;
header {
@include xy-cell(12);
h2 {
font-weight: 300;
h4 {
font-size: 1.125rem;
line-height: 1.6;
color: #777;
.professional {
@include breakpoint(small) {
@include xy-cell(12);
@include breakpoint(medium) {
@include xy-cell(3);
img {
padding: 1.25rem;
margin: 1rem auto 0 auto;
h3 {
color: #0a0a0a;
font-weight: 300;
font-size: 1.75rem;
p {
font-size: 0.9375rem;
.why-foundation {
@include xy-cell(12);
margin-top: 4rem;

View file

@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
.kitchen-sink-header {
@include xy-cell(12);
.kitchen-sink-components {
hr {
margin: 3rem 0;
@include breakpoint(small) {
@include xy-cell(12);
@include breakpoint(large) {
@include xy-cell(9);
.kitchen-sink-nav {
@include breakpoint(small) {
display: none;
@include breakpoint(large) {
@include xy-cell(3);
display: block;
float: right;
.docs-sub-menu {
font-size: 0.85rem;
margin-top: 1rem;
.docs-menu-title {
text-transform: uppercase;
font-size: 0.75rem;
color: $dark-gray;
font-weight: bold;
line-height: 1;
padding-left: 0.9rem;
margin-bottom: 0.5rem;
border-top: 1px solid $medium-gray;
margin-top: 1rem;
padding-top: 1.5rem;
.docs-toc {
width: 100%;
padding-left: 4rem;
padding-right: 1rem;
.docs-toc .active {
background: #2199e8;
color: white;
.docs-toc .docs-sub-menu:first-child .docs-menu-title {
margin-top: 0;
border-top: 0;
padding-top: 0;
.kitchen-sink-grid {
.grid-x {
background: #d6ecfa;
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 2rem;
margin-bottom: 1.5rem;
.cell,:nth-child(odd) {
background: #7bc1ef;
color: #0a0a0a;
.cell:nth-child(even) {
background: #1779ba;
color: #fefefe;

View file

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
name = "arc-hive"
version = "2.0.0"
name = "Archive"
version = "1.0.0"
author = ""
description = "The Omeka S theme."
theme_link = ""
author_link = ""
description = "A starter theme using the ZURB Foundation toolkit."
theme_link = ""
author_link = ""
omeka_version_constraint = "^3.0.0"
@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ = "stylesheet"
elements.stylesheet.type = "Zend\Form\Element\Select"
elements.stylesheet.options.label = "Stylesheet"
elements.stylesheet.options.value_options.default = "Default"
#elements.stylesheet.options.value_options.revolution = "Revolution"
#elements.stylesheet.options.value_options.seafoam = "Sea Foam"
#elements.stylesheet.options.value_options.inkwell = "Inkwell"
elements.stylesheet.options.value_options.revolution = "Revolution"
elements.stylesheet.options.value_options.seafoam = "Sea Foam"
elements.stylesheet.options.value_options.inkwell = "Inkwell" = "nav_layout" = "nav_layout"
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ = "footer"
elements.footer.type = "Omeka\Form\Element\HtmlTextarea"
elements.footer.options.label = "Footer Content" = "HTML content to appear in the footer"
elements.footer.attributes.value = "Powered by Omeka S - powered by Hangar"
elements.footer.attributes.value = "Powered by Omeka S" = "browse_layout" = "browse_layout"

View file

@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ function serve() {
});"asset/scss/*.scss", sass);"asset/scss/*/*.scss", sass);"*.html").on('change', browserSync.reload);

package-lock.json generated

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
"name": "arc-hive-theme",
"version": "2.0.0",
"description": "arc-HIVE theme for Omeka S.",
"name": "foundation-s-theme",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Omeka S theme using the ZURB Foundation toolkit.",
"main": "gulpfile.js",
"scripts": {
"start": "gulp",
"build": "gulp sass"
"author": "Hangar<>",
"author": "Omeka Team <>",
"license": "MIT",
"bugs": {
"url": "",
"email": ""
"url": "",
"email": ""
"dependencies": {
"foundation-sites": "^6.6.3",
"gulp-cli": "^2.3.0",
"jquery": "^3.6.0",
"jquery": "^3.5.1",
"motion-ui": "~2.0.0",
"what-input": "^5.2.10"
"devDependencies": {
"autoprefixer": "^9.8.6",
"browser-sync": "^2.26.14",
"browser-sync": "^2.26.12",
"gulp": "^4.0.2",
"gulp-load-plugins": "^2.0.7",
"gulp-load-plugins": "^2.0.4",
"gulp-postcss": "^8.0.0",
"gulp-sass": "^4.1.0",
"minimist": "^1.2.3"
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"url": ""
"private": true


Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 53 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 466 KiB

View file

@ -2,38 +2,40 @@
$archiveSiteHelper = $this->getHelperPluginManager()->get('archiveSiteMeta');
$collections = $archiveSiteHelper->getCollections();
$projects = [];
foreach($sites as $site){
$site_data = $archiveSiteHelper->getSiteMetaValues($site);
$site_data['id'] = $site->id();
$site_data['url'] = $site->siteUrl();
$site_data['title'] = $site->title();
if (isset($site_data['collection'])) {
$site_data['collection'] = $collections[$site_data['collection']];
} else {
$site_data['collection'] = "";
$site_data['summary'] = nl2br($this->escapeHtml($site->summary()));
if (!isset($site_data['currator'])) {
$site_data['currator'] = "";
array_push($projects, $site_data);
//$collections = json_encode($collections, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
//$collections = json_encode($collections, JSON_HEX_APOS);
//$collections = htmlspecialchars(json_encode($collections), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$projects = htmlentities(json_encode($projects, JSON_HEX_QUOT), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
<div class="list-of-sites">
<div class="site-list">
<div id="site-list">
data-collections='<?= $projects ?>'
foreach($sites as $site):
$site_meta_values = $archiveSiteHelper->getSiteMetaValues($site);
echo $this->partial('common/site-list-entry', [
'site' => $site,
'showSummary' => $summaries,
'site_meta_values' => $site_meta_values,
'archive_collections' => $archiveSiteHelper->getCollections(),
if (1 == 0):
//if ($pagination):
echo $this->pagination();
<script src="/themes/archive/asset/js/archive-list.js"></script>

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
['class' => 'advanced-search']
); ?>
<h3 class="item-set-resutls-title"><?php echo sprintf($this->translate('Item set results for "%s"'), $fulltextSearch); ?></h3>
<h2><?php echo sprintf($this->translate('Item set results for "%s"'), $fulltextSearch); ?></h2>
<?php echo $this->pagination(); ?>

View file

@ -11,8 +11,7 @@ $hasResults = false;
$img_src = $this->getHelperPluginManager()->get('archiveSiteMeta')->getSiteImage($this->site);
if (!$img_src) {
//$img_src = '/themes/archive/asset/img/default-header-image.jpg';
$img_src = $this->assetUrl('img/ARC-HIVE-logo.svg');
$img_src = '/themes/archive/asset/img/default-header-image.jpg';
if ($this->site->title() == "Collections") {
$image_height = "300px";
@ -35,7 +34,7 @@ $("#archive_page_title").html('<?php echo $_html ?>');
<!-- arc-hive insert ends -->
<h3 class="search-results-for-title"><?php echo sprintf($this->translate('Search results for “%s”'), $fulltextSearch); ?></h3>
<h2><?php echo sprintf($this->translate('Search results for “%s”'), $fulltextSearch); ?></h2>
<div class="results">

View file

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
<section class="subsection">
<aside class="site-brand arc-hive">
<a href="<?php echo $site->url(); ?>" rel="home" class="">
<h1 class="site-name">
<?php echo $site->title(); ?>
<h2 class="site-description">
an integrative digital bio-art platform
<aside class="double newsletter">
<p> Subscribe to our <br/>
<span class="h4"><a href="">newsletter</a></span>
<aside class="newsletter">
<p> Follow us on <br/>
<span class="h4"><a href="">facebook</a></span>
<span class="h4"><a href="">instagram</a></span>
<section class="subsection">
<aside class="contact">
<p><a href=""></a></p>
<p class="h5"><a href="">CONTACT</a></p>
<aside class="double partners">
<p>ARC-HIVE partners are:</p>
<li class="h5"> <a href="">Bioart Society</a></li>
<li class="h5"> <a href="">Cultivamos Cultura</a></li>
<li class="h5"> <a href="">Hangar</a></li>
<li class="clear clearfix"></li>
<li class="h5"> <a href="">Kersnikova</a></li>
<li class="h5"> <a href="">Kontejner</a></li>
<li class="h5"> <a href="">RBINS</a></li>
<aside class="co-founded">
<a href="#" class="brand-logo eu">
<h1 class="site-name">Co-Funded bye the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union</h1>
<section class="subsection">
<aside class="copyright">
Hosted, maintained and coded by <a href="">Hangar</a>
<aside class="double copyright">
<?php echo $this->translate('Powered by Omeka S'); ?>
<aside class="legal-credits">
Visual identity by <a href="">Oficina de disseny</a>

View file

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
<main class="">
<a href="<?php echo $site->url(); ?>" class="site-brand arc-hive-off">
<?php if ($this->themeSetting('logo')): ?>
<img src="<?php echo $this->themeSettingAssetUrl('logo'); ?>"
alt="<?php echo $site->title(); ?>"
title="<?php echo $site->title(); ?>"
<?php else: ?>
<img src="<?php echo $this->assetUrl('img/ARC-HIVE-logo.svg');?>"
title="an arc-hive project"
alt="arc-hive logo" />
<?php endif; ?>
<h1 class="site-name"><?php echo $site->title(); ?></h1>
<h2 class="site-description">an integrative digital bio-art platform</h2>
<menu class="">
<?php /*
echo $site->publicNav()
->renderPartialWithParams(['layout' => 'dropdown']);

View file

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
<!-- arc-hive header-image insert begins -->
$img_src = null;
$img_src = $this->getHelperPluginManager()->get('headerImage')->getImage();
if (!$img_src) {
$img_src = $this->assetUrl('img/default-ARC-HIVE-hero-image.jpg');
.arc-page-header-img {
content: url("<?= $img_src ?>");
<!-- arc-hive header-image insert ends -->
<main class="">
<a href="<?php echo $site->url(); ?>" class="site-brand arc-hive-off">
<?php if ($this->themeSetting('logo')): ?>
<img src="<?php echo $this->themeSettingAssetUrl('logo'); ?>"
alt="<?php echo $site->title(); ?>"
title="<?php echo $site->title(); ?>"
<?php else: ?>
<img src="<?php echo $this->assetUrl('img/ARC-HIVE-logo.svg');?>"
title="an arc-hive project"
alt="arc-hive logo" />
<?php endif; ?>
<h1 class="site-name">
<?php echo $site->title(); ?>
<h2 class="site-description">
an integrative digital bio-art platform
<menu class="">
<?php //
// Segun el diseño, este menu no existe
// ----------
// echo $site->publicNav()
// ->menu()
// ->setPartial('common/foundation-navigation.phtml')
// ->renderPartialWithParams(['layout' => 'dropdown']);

View file

@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
<div class="top-bar">
<nav class="top-bar-left">
<!-- <div class="title-bar" data-responsive-toggle="responsive-menu" data-hide-for="large">
<div class="title-bar" data-responsive-toggle="responsive-menu" data-hide-for="large">
<button class="menu-toggle" type="button" data-toggle="offCanvas" aria-label="<?php echo $this->translate('Menu'); ?>"><i class="fas fa-bars"></i></button>
</div> -->
<?php if ($this->themeSetting('logo')): ?>
<a href="<?php echo $site->url(); ?>" class="site-title"><img src="<?php echo $this->themeSettingAssetUrl('logo'); ?>" alt="<?php echo $site->title(); ?>" title="<?php echo $site->title(); ?>"></a>
<a href="<?php echo $site->url(); ?>" class="site-title"><img src="<?php echo $this->themeSettingAssetUrl('logo'); ?>" title="Logo"></a>
<?php else: ?>
<a href="<?php echo $site->url(); ?>" class="site-title"><?php echo $this->pageTitle($site->title()); ?></a>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="top-bar-right" id="responsive-menu">
<?php echo $site->publicNav()->menu()->setPartial('common/foundation-navigation.phtml')->renderPartialWithParams(['layout' => 'dropdown']); ?>
<!-- <div class="search"> -->
<?php //echo $this->partial('common/search-form'); ?>
<!-- </div> -->
<div class="search">
<?php echo $this->partial('common/search-form'); ?>

View file

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
<section class="hero omeka collections-all">
<main class="slides">
<?php if ($this->themeSetting('logo')): ?>
<section class="slide">
<img src="<?php echo $this->themeSettingAssetUrl('logo'); ?>"
title="<?php echo $site->title(); ?>"
alt="<?php echo $site->title(); ?>"
class="logo" />
<?php else: ?>
<section class="slide">
<img src="<?php echo $this->assetUrl('img/ARC-HIVE-logo.svg');?>"
title="an arc-hive project"
alt="arc-hive logo"
class="logo" />
<?php endif; ?>
<h2 class="site-title">
<a href="<?= $this->site->url() ?>">
<?= $this->site->title() ?>

View file

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
<section class="hero omeka collection-single">
<main class="slides">
<section class="slide">
title="an arc-hive project"
alt="collection logo"
class="arc-page-header-img" />
<h2 class="site-title">
<a href="<?= $this->site->url() ?>">
<?= $this->site->title() ?>
<nav class="">
echo $site->publicNav()
->renderPartialWithParams(['layout' => 'dropdown']);
<?php echo $this->partial('common/search-form.phtml'); ?> </nav>

View file

@ -12,20 +12,11 @@ switch ($searchType) {
$searchValue = $this->escapeHtml($this->params()->fromQuery('fulltext_search', ''));
<form class="search" action="<?php echo $this->escapeHtml($searchAction); ?>">
<div class="input-group">
<form action="<?php echo $this->escapeHtml($searchAction); ?>" id="search-form" class="input-group">
<input type="text" name="fulltext_search" value="<?php echo $searchValue; ?>"
placeholder="<?php echo $translate('Search'); ?>"
aria-label="<?php echo $translate('Search'); ?>" class="input-group-field button hollow" />
<button class="appear button" type="submit"><?php echo $translate('Search'); ?></button>
<!-- <form action="<?php// echo $this->escapeHtml($searchAction); ?>" id="search-form" class="input-group">
<input type="text" name="fulltext_search" value="<?php //echo $searchValue; ?>"
placeholder="<?php// echo $translate('Search'); ?>"
aria-label="<?php //echo $translate('Search'); ?>" class="input-group-field">
aria-label="<?php echo $translate('Search'); ?>" class="input-group-field">
<div class="input-group-button">
<button type="submit" class="button"><?php //echo $translate('Search'); ?></button>
<button type="submit" class="button"><?php echo $translate('Search'); ?></button>
</form> -->

View file

@ -1,45 +1,41 @@
// publish as a table the content
$summary = $showSummary ? $site->summary() : null;
<li class="accordion-item" data-accordion-item>
<a href="#" class="accordion-title">
<ul class="">
<li class="title">
<?= $site->title() ?>
<li class="curator">
<?php if ($site_meta_values != null): ?>
<?= $site_meta_values['currator']; ?><br />
<?php endif; ?>
<li class="collection-name">
<?php if ($site_meta_values != null): ?>
<?= $archive_collections[$site_meta_values['collection']]; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<li class="date">
<?php if ($site_meta_values != null): ?>
<?= $site_meta_values['project_date']; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<aside class="accordion-content" data-tab-content>
<tr class="_expand_site_item">
<?= $site->title() ?>
<?php if ($site_meta_values != null): ?>
<?= $site_meta_values['currator']; ?><br />
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($site_meta_values != null): ?>
<?= $archive_collections[$site_meta_values['collection']]; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($site_meta_values != null): ?>
<?= $site_meta_values['project_date']; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<tr style="display:none">
<?php if ($site_meta_values != null): ?>
<img src="<?= $site_meta_values['thumbnail']; ?>" />
<?php endif; ?>
<td colspan="3">
<?php if ($summary): ?>
<?php echo nl2br($this->escapeHtml($summary)); ?>
<?php echo nl2br($this->escapeHtml($summary)); ?>
<br />
<?php endif; ?>
<a class="button small" href="<?= $site->siteUrl() ?>">View</a>
<button class="go_to_site_button"
onclick="window.location.href = '<?= $site->siteUrl() ?>'">

View file

@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ if (isset($stylesheet)) {
$this->headLink()->prependStylesheet($this->assetUrl('css/iconfonts.css', 'Omeka'));
// $this->headScript()->prependFile('//', 'text/javascript', [
// 'integrity' => 'sha256-/PFxCnsMh+nTuM0k3VJCRch1gwnCfKjaP8rJNq5SoBg= sha384-9ksAFjQjZnpqt6VtpjMjlp2S0qrGbcwF/rvrLUg2vciMhwc1UJJeAAOLuJ96w+Nj sha512-UMSn6RHqqJeJcIfV1eS2tPKCjzaHkU/KqgAnQ7Nzn0mLicFxaVhm9vq7zG5+0LALt15j1ljlg8Fp9PT1VGNmDw==',
// 'crossorigin' => 'anonymous'
// ]);
$this->headScript()->prependFile('//', 'text/javascript', [
'integrity' => 'sha256-/PFxCnsMh+nTuM0k3VJCRch1gwnCfKjaP8rJNq5SoBg= sha384-9ksAFjQjZnpqt6VtpjMjlp2S0qrGbcwF/rvrLUg2vciMhwc1UJJeAAOLuJ96w+Nj sha512-UMSn6RHqqJeJcIfV1eS2tPKCjzaHkU/KqgAnQ7Nzn0mLicFxaVhm9vq7zG5+0LALt15j1ljlg8Fp9PT1VGNmDw==',
'crossorigin' => 'anonymous'
$this->headScript()->prependFile($this->assetUrl('js/global.js', 'Omeka'));
$this->headScript()->prependFile($this->assetUrl('vendor/jquery/jquery.min.js', 'Omeka'));
// $this->headLink()->prependStylesheet($this->assetUrl("css/archive.css"));
$title = $this->pageTitle($site->title());
$userBar = $this->userBar();
@ -30,11 +30,10 @@ $this->htmlElement('body')->appendAttribute('class', $navLayout . '-menu');
if ($userBar) {
$this->htmlElement('body')->appendAttribute('class', 'user-bar');
$logo = $this->themeSettingAssetUrl('logo');
if ($logo):
$titlelogo = '<img class="site-logo" src="' . $this->escapeHtml($logo) . '"' . 'alt="' . $site->title() . '"' . '>';
$title = '<img src="' . $this->escapeHtml($logo) . '">';
@ -49,53 +48,76 @@ endif;
<?php echo $this->htmlElement('body'); ?>
<content class="">
<?php echo $userBar; ?>
if ($site->title() == "Collections") {
echo $this->partial('common/header-collections');
} else {
echo $this->partial('common/header-default');
<div id="offCanvas" class="off-canvas position-left" data-off-canvas>
<?php echo $site->publicNav()->menu()->setPartial('common/foundation-navigation.phtml')->renderPartialWithParams(['layout' => 'vertical']); ?>
<div class="search">
<?php echo $this->partial('common/search-form'); ?>
<div class="off-canvas-content" data-off-canvas-content>
<a id="skipnav" href="#content"><?php echo $this->translate('Skip to main content'); ?></a>
<?php echo $userBar; ?>
<a href="/">
<img class="archive-logo"
src="<?= $this->assetUrl("img/arc-hive-logo.jpg") ?>"
<img id="archive_header_img" />
<h1 id="archive_page_title"
if ($site->title() == "Collections") {
echo $this->partial('common/hero-collections');
} else {
echo $this->partial('common/hero-default');
//echo $page;
//echo $this->container;
foreach ($this->container as $page) {
$nav = $site->publicNav();
$container = $nav->getContainer();
$activePage = $nav->findActive($container);
$slug = $activePage['page']->getParams()['page-slug'];
foreach ($activePage['page']->getParams() as $key => $param) {
print($key.' '.$param);
#$page_id = $activePage->id();
//$header_image = $this->getHelperPluginManager()->get('pageMeta')->getMetaImage($this);
<section class="omekas-entry-content">
<?php echo $this->content; ?>
<?php if ($navLayout == 'vertical'): ?>
<?php echo $this->partial('common/header-vertical'); ?>
<?php else: ?>
<?php echo $this->partial('common/header-dropdown'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<footer class="">
<?php echo $this->partial('common/footer-archive.phtml'); ?>
<div id="content" role="main">
<?php echo $this->content; ?>
<?php //if ($footerContent = $this->themeSetting('footer')): ?>
<?php //echo $footerContent; ?>
<?php //else: ?>
<?php //echo $this->translate('Powered by Omeka S'); ?>
<?php //endif; ?>
<?php if ($footerContent = $this->themeSetting('footer')): ?>
<?php echo $footerContent; ?>
<?php else: ?>
<?php echo $this->translate('Powered by Omeka S'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<!-- end off-canvas-content -->
<!-- </div> -->
// $(document).foundation();
<script src="<?php echo $this->assetUrl('js/foundation.js'); ?>"></script>

View file

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ $form->prepare();
<div id="new-block" class="active sidebar" data-url="<?php echo $this->url('admin/site/slug/page/default', ['action' => 'block'], true); ?>">
<h3><?php echo $translate('Add new block'); ?></h3>
<?php foreach ($this->blockLayout()->getLayouts() as $layout): ?>
<?php /* if ($layout == "html") { continue; } */ ?>
<?php if ($layout == "html") { continue; } ?>
<?php /* if ($layout == "tableOfContents") { continue; } */ ?>
<?php if ($layout == "searchingForm") { continue; } ?>
<button type="button" value="<?php echo $escape($layout); ?>" class="option">

View file

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
$translate = $this->plugin('translate');
$hyperlink = $this->plugin('hyperlink');
$url = $this->plugin('url');
$this->htmlElement('body')->appendAttribute('class', 'index search');
<?php echo $this->pageTitle(sprintf($translate('Search results for “%s”'), $query)); ?>
<?php if (empty($results)): ?>
<p><?php echo $translate('No result found'); ?></p>
<?php else: ?>
$resourceLabels = [
'site_pages' => 'Site pages', // @translate
'items' => 'Items', // @translate
'item_sets' => 'Item sets', // @translate
'media' => 'Media', // @translate
$resourceControllers = [
'site_pages' => 'page',
'items' => 'item',
'item_sets' => 'item-set',
'media' => 'media',
<?php foreach ($results as $resourceName => $result): ?>
<div class="<?php echo $resourceName; ?> results">
<h2><?php echo $translate($resourceLabels[$resourceName]); ?></h2>
<?php $titleMethod = $resourceName === 'site_pages' ? 'title' : 'displayTitle'; ?>
<?php foreach ($result['resources'] as $resource): ?>
<?php echo $resource->link($resource->$titleMethod()); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<!-- removes 'view all results' from site search -->
<?php echo $hyperlink(
sprintf($translate('View all results (%s total)'), $result['total']),
['controller' => $resourceControllers[$resourceName], 'action' => 'browse'],
['query' => ['fulltext_search' => $query]],
); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

View file

@ -7,28 +7,34 @@ $itemMedia = $item->media();
$showLayout = $this->themeSetting('show_layout');
<!-- arc-hive page header-image insert begins -->
<!-- arc-hive insert begins -->
$img_src = null;
$img_src = $this->getHelperPluginManager()->get('archiveSiteMeta')->getSiteImage($site);
if (!$img_src) {
$img_src = $this->assetUrl('img/ARC-HIVE-logo.svg');
.arc-page-header-img {
content: url("<?= $img_src ?>");
// set header image
$img_src = $this->getHelperPluginManager()->get('archiveSiteMeta')->getSiteImage($site);
if (!$img_src) {
$img_src = '/themes/archive/asset/img/default-header-image.jpg';
if ($this->site->title() == "Collections") {
$image_height = "300px";
} else {
$image_height = "200px";
#archive_header_img {
background: url("<?= $img_src ?>") no-repeat;
width: 100%;
height: <?= $image_height ?>;
$_html = '<a href="'.$this->site->url().'">'.$this->site->title().'</a>';
$("#archive_page_title").html('<?php echo $_html ?>');
<!-- arc-hive page header-image insert ends -->
<!-- arc-hive insert ends -->
<div class="resource-title">
@ -48,19 +54,9 @@ $("#archive_page_title").html('<?php echo $_html ?>');
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (!$embedMedia && $itemMedia): ?>
<div class="media-list" style="display: flex;">
<div class="media-list">
<?php foreach ($itemMedia as $media): ?>
<?php //echo $media->linkPretty(); ?>
<div style="display: flex;
flex: 1;
flex-direction: column;
padding: 0 10px 10px 0;">
<a href="<?= $media->originalUrl(); ?>">
<img src="<?= $media->thumbnailUrl("square"); ?>" />
<br />
<?= $media->displayTitle(); ?>
<?php echo $media->linkPretty(); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

View file

@ -1,37 +1,35 @@
We have modified omkeka/site/item/show.phtml to render a link to the original
files intead of the media page (this page).
That means that this page is not (in theory) used.
$translate = $this->plugin('translate');
<?php $this->htmlElement('body')->appendAttribute('class', 'media resource show'); ?>
<!-- arc-hive page header-image insert begins -->
<!-- arc-hive insert begins -->
$img_src = null;
$img_src = $this->getHelperPluginManager()->get('archiveSiteMeta')->getSiteImage($site);
if (!$img_src) {
$img_src = $this->assetUrl('img/ARC-HIVE-logo.svg');
.arc-page-header-img {
content: url("<?= $img_src ?>");
$img_src = $this->getHelperPluginManager()->get('archiveSiteMeta')->getSiteImage($site);
if (!$img_src) {
$img_src = '/themes/archive/asset/img/default-header-image.jpg';
if ($this->site->title() == "Collections") {
$image_height = "300px";
} else {
$image_height = "200px";
#archive_header_img {
background: url("<?= $img_src ?>") no-repeat;
width: 100%;
height: <?= $image_height ?>;
$_html = '<a href="'.$this->site->url().'">'.$this->site->title().'</a>';
$("#archive_page_title").html('<?php echo $_html ?>');
<!-- arc-hive page header-image insert ends -->
<!-- arc-hive insert ends -->
<div class="resource-title">

View file

@ -5,26 +5,39 @@ $showPagePagination = $this->siteSetting('show_page_pagination', true);
<!-- arc-hive page header-image insert begins -->
<!-- arc-hive insert begins -->
$img_src has already been set at view/common/header-default.phtml
We override it here because a page may have it's own header image
$img_src = null;
$img_src = $this->getHelperPluginManager()->get('headerImage')->getImage($page);
if (!$img_src) {
$img_src = $this->assetUrl('img/default-ARC-HIVE-hero-image.jpg');
.arc-page-header-img {
content: url("<?= $img_src ?>");
$img_src = $this->getHelperPluginManager()->get('headerImage')->getImage($page);
if (!$img_src) {
$img_src = '/themes/archive/asset/img/default-header-image.jpg';
if ($this->site->title() == "Collections") {
$image_height = "300px";
} else {
$image_height = "200px";
#archive_header_img {
background: url("<?= $img_src ?>") no-repeat;
width: 100%;
height: <?= $image_height ?>;
$_html = '<a href="'.$this->site->url().'">'.$this->site->title().'</a>';
$("#archive_page_title").html('<?php echo $_html ?>');
<!-- arc-hive insert ends -->
<?php /*
echo $page->id();
<!-- arc-hive page header-image insert ends -->
$nav = $site->publicNav();