# 3D tester A utility to test 3D models. # Install on your PC First make sure you have python3 installed Then.. ``` git clone https://git.hangar.org/arcHIVE-tech/3D-tester.git 3Dtester cd 3D-tester python3 -m venv ./venv source ./venv/bin/activate pip install bottle chmod +x run.sh ``` ## Usage ``` cd 3D-tester ./run.sh ``` Now you can browse to `http://localhost:8080` ## Adding 3D models Add your 3D models to the `./objects` folder. Create subdirectories as needed. # Install on a server ``` git clone https://git.hangar.org/arcHIVE-tech/3D-tester.git /opt/3Dtester cd /opt/3Dtester python3 -m venv ./venv source ./venv/bin/activate pip install bottle pip install gunicorn ``` ## Gunicorn Gunicorn will server the python app Create and edit the file ./3Dtester/gunicorn.py ``` pythonpath = '/opt/3Dtester' command = './venv/bin/gunicorn' bind = '' workers = 3 user = 'www-data' ``` You can test the installation ``` gunicorn -c ./gunicorn.py app:app ``` ## Supervisor We need something to keep Gunicorn going on system reboots, start, stop, etc. Instead of systemd ... ``` apt-get install supervisor ``` Edit `/etc/supervisor/conf.d/3Dtester.conf` ``` [program:3Dtester] command = /opt/3Dtester/venv/bin/gunicorn -c /opt/3Dtester/gunicorn.py app:app directory = /opt/3Dtester user = www-data ``` Restart supervisor ``` systemctl restart supervisor ``` Now you can do things like ``` supervisorctl status 3Dtester supervisorctl stop 3Dtester supervisorctl start 3Dtester supervisorctl restart 3Dtester ``` Check that we are listening on the port 8080 ``` netstat -tunpla | grep 8080 ``` ## apache2 ``` ServerName my.domain.com ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/ ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/ ``` # Updating ``` cd 3D-tester git pull origin main ``` # nextcloud We upload the 3D models to our nextcloud server. That server is on the same machine as 3Dtester. To make the uploaded files available we bind the nextcloud directory with a mount point ``` mkdir /opt/3Dtester/objects/cloud ``` Edit `/etc/fstab` ``` /var/www/nextcloud/data/a_user/files/path/to/3D/samples /opt/3Dtester/objects/cloud/ none bind,ro,0 0 ``` Now we can mount it ``` mount /opt/3Dtester/objects/cloud ```