""" “Copyright 2021 Hangar.org” This file is part of 3D-tester. 3D-tester is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ import os from pathlib import Path import mimetypes BASE_DIR = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '../') ) OBJECT_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'objects') OBJECT_TYPES = ['gltf', 'glb', 'obj', 'fbx', 'stl', 'dae', 'json', 'ply'] def get_directory_content(dir_path): mimetypes.init() content = [] for p in Path(dir_path).iterdir(): file_path = Path(p) file_name = Path(file_path.name) if file_path.name.startswith("."): continue file_extension = (Path(file_path.name).suffix).lstrip('.').lower() is_object_file = True if file_extension in OBJECT_TYPES else False is_dir = True if p.is_dir() else False is_image = False if not is_dir: mimetype, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(str(Path(p))) is_image = True if mimetype and 'image' in mimetype else False item = { 'name': os.path.basename(p), 'size': human_readable_bytes(os.path.getsize(p)), 'is_dir': is_dir, 'is_object_file': is_object_file, 'is_image': is_image } content.append(item) return content def find_skybox_image(dir): for p in Path(dir).iterdir(): extension = Path(p).suffix if str(Path(p)).endswith(f"sky-box-image{extension}"): return str(p) return None def find_pre_loader_image(dir): for p in Path(dir).iterdir(): extension = Path(p).suffix if str(Path(p)).endswith(f"pre-load-image{extension}"): return str(p) return None def find_file_with_extension(dir, extension): for p in Path(dir).iterdir(): if Path(p).suffix.lstrip('.').lower() == extension: return str(p).replace(OBJECT_DIR, "") return None def get_object(file_path, result={}): parts = file_path.split('/') file_name = parts.pop() file_dir = os.path.join(OBJECT_DIR, *parts) print('get_object(file_dir): ', file_dir) print('get_object(file_name): ', file_name) print('get_object(file_path): ', os.path.join(OBJECT_DIR, *parts, file_name)) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(OBJECT_DIR, *parts, file_name)): print("cant find file") return result if not result: result['urls'] = [] result['type'] = None extension = Path(file_name).suffix.lstrip('.').lower() print('get_object(extension):', extension) if extension == "gltf" or extension == 'glb': if extension == "gltf": result['type']="gltf" if extension == 'glb': result['type'] = "glb" object_path = str(file_path).replace(OBJECT_DIR, "") result['urls'].append(f"/objects/{object_path}") skybox_path = find_skybox_image(file_dir) if skybox_path: skybox_path = str(skybox_path).replace(OBJECT_DIR, '') result['skybox'] = f"/objects{skybox_path}" preloader_path = find_pre_loader_image(file_dir) if preloader_path: preloader_path = str(preloader_path).replace(OBJECT_DIR, '') result['preloader'] = f"/objects{preloader_path}" return result if extension == "obj": result['type']="obj" object_path = str(file_path).replace(OBJECT_DIR, "") result['urls'].append(f"/objects/{object_path}") mtl_file = find_file_with_extension(file_dir, 'mtl') if mtl_file: result = get_object(mtl_file.replace(OBJECT_DIR, ""), result) result['type']="obj-mtl" return result if extension == 'stl': result['type'] = "stl" object_path = str(file_path).replace(OBJECT_DIR, "") result['urls'].append(f"/objects/{object_path}") return result if extension == 'mtl': object_path = str(file_path).replace(OBJECT_DIR, "") result['urls'].append(f"/objects/{object_path}") return result if extension == 'fbx': result['type'] = "fbx" object_path = str(file_path).replace(OBJECT_DIR, "") result['urls'].append(f"/objects/{object_path}") return result if extension == 'dae': result['type'] = "dae" object_path = str(file_path).replace(OBJECT_DIR, "") result['urls'].append(f"/objects/{object_path}") return result if extension == 'json': result['type'] = "json" object_path = str(file_path).replace(OBJECT_DIR, "") result['urls'].append(f"/objects/{object_path}") return result if extension == 'ply': result['type'] = "ply" object_path = str(file_path).replace(OBJECT_DIR, "") result['urls'].append(f"/objects/{object_path}") return result return None """ if 'obj' in extensions and 'mtl' in extensions: print("p: ",p) return 'obj-mtl' if 'obj' in extensions: return 'obj' if 'gltf' in extensions: return 'gltf' if 'fbx' in extensions: return 'fbx' if 'stl' in extensions: return 'stl' """ def human_readable_bytes(bytes): """ 1 KibiByte == 1024 Bytes 1 Mebibyte == 1024*1024 Bytes 1 GibiByte == 1024*1024*1024 Bytes """ if bytes == 0: return "0 bytes" if bytes < 1024: return f"{bytes} bytes" if bytes < 1024*1024: return f"{int(round(bytes/(1024), 2))} KB" if bytes < 1024*1024*1024: return f"{int(round(bytes/(1024*1024), 2))} MB" return f"{int(round(bytes/(1024*1024*1024), 2))} GB"