# A 3D Renderer for Omeka S [3D Renderer] is a module for [Omeka S] that integrates [Vue-3d-model]. Built using Vue, based on threejs. ## Install ``` cd ./modules https://git.hangar.org/arcHIVE-tech/3Drenderer/archive/main.zip unzip main.zip mv renderviewer/ Render3D ``` ### Omeka global settings Add these to the `Allowed media types` ``` application/json ``` Add these to the `Allowed file extensions` ``` gltf, bin, json ``` ## LISENCE The module is released under the [MIT] License. The 3D render feature is imported from [Vue-3d-model]. [arc-hive]: https://arc-hive.zone/ [3D Renderer]: https://git.hangar.org/arcHIVE-tech/Render3D [Vue-3d-model]: https://github.com/hujiulong/vue-3d-model [Omeka S]: https://omeka.org/s [MIT]: http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT